perjantai 1. helmikuuta 2019

Biophotons In The Brain That Could Hint Our Consciousness

Scientists Discover Biophotons In The Brain That Could
Hint Our Consciousness Is Directly Linked To Light

January 26, 2019

Scientists have discovered the presence of biophotons in the brain that suggest there could be a relationship between these biophotons and consciousness.Does consciousness originate from inside the brain as modern science believes? Or does originate outside the brain? Meaning we are not simply a brain in a meat-suit, but something much greater?

Scientists found that neurons in mammalian brains were capable of producing photons of light, or “Biophotons”!

The photons, strangely enough, appear within the visible spectrum.They range from near-infrared through violet, or between 200 and 1,300 nanometers.
Scientists have an exciting suspicion that our brain’s neurons might be able to communicate through light.

They suspect that our brain might have optical communication channels, but they have no idea what could be communicated.

Even more exciting, they claim that if there is
an optical communication happening, the Biophotons our brains produce might be affected by quantum entanglement, meaning there can be a strong link between these photons, our consciousness and possibly what many cultures and religions refer to as Spirit.
In a couple of experiments scientist discovered that rat brains can pass just one biophoton per neuron a minute, but human brains could convey more than a billion biophotons per second.
This raises the question, could it be possible that the more light one can produce and communicate between neurons, the more conscious they are?
If there is any correlation between biophotons, light, and consciousness it can have strong implications that there is more to light than we are aware of.

Just think for a moment. Many texts and religions dating way back, since the dawn of human civilization have reported of saints, ascended beings and enlightened individuals having shining circles around their heads.

From Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, to teachings of Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity, among many other religions, sacred individuals were depicted with a shining circle in the form of a circular glow around their heads.

If they were as enlightened as they are described maybe this shining circle was just a result of the higher consciousness they operated with, hence a higher frequency and production of biophotons.
Maybe these individuals produced a higher level of biophotons with stronger intensity because of their enlightenment, if there is any correlation between biophotons and consciousness.
Even the word enLIGHTenment suggests that this higher consciousness has something to do with light.
But one of the most exciting implications the discovery that our brains can produce light gives, is that maybe our consciousness and spirit are not contained within our bodies. This implication is completely overlooked by scientists.
Quantum entanglement says that 2 entangled photons react if one of the photons is affected no matter where the other photon is in The Universe without any delay.
Maybe there is a world that exists within light, and no matter where you are in The Universe photons can act as portals that enable communication between these 2 worlds. Maybe our spirit and consciousness communicate with our bodies through these biophotons. And the more light we produce the more we awaken and embody the wholeness of our consciousness.

This can explain the phenomenon of why the state of a photon is affected simply by consciously observing it, as it is proven in many quantum experiments.

Matthew 17
New International Version
The Transfiguration

1After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. 2There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light3Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus.
4Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.”
5While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!”
6When the disciples heard this, they fell facedown to the ground, terrified. 7But Jesus came and touched them. “Get up,” he said. “Don’t be afraid.” 8When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus.

Maybe our observation communicates something through our biophotons with the photon that is being observed, in a similar fashion as quantum entanglement, like light is just one unified substance that is scattered throughout our Universe and affected through each light particle.
Of course, nothing of this is even close to being a theory. But asking questions and shooting such metaphysical hypothesis might lead us closer to the truth and understanding of what consciousness is, where it comes from, and what are the mysteries that hide within light.

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Biophoton Manipulation:
Scientific Explanation of Energy Manipulation

Life Emits Energy

Scientists have found that all forms of life emit an energy known as biophotons.

Biophotons are within the visible and ultra-violet light spectrum

Research conducted in the Rhine Research Center Bio-Energy Lab shows that martial artists, those who meditate, and energy healers can control their biophoton emissions and emit massive amounts of biophotonic energy, way more than the average person.

Control subjects were shown to emit eight to ten protons a second, while people meditating were shown to generate up to 40 to 60 photons per second.
Certain individuals (energy healers, martial artists, and those who meditate) have even been capable of emitting 400,000 to 800,000 photons in a matter of seconds.
This study states that biophotons may be associated with healing and other events generated through meditation.


Effect of Ultra-Violet Light

Ultraviolet light has the following effects in humans:

Positive Effects (UV in Moderation)

  • Can improve a person's mood (produces endorphin)
  • Triggers vitamin D which strengthens our bones, muscles, and immune systems.
  • Can help with certain skin conditions (phototherapy)
  • Is great for disinfection and sterilization (kills bacteria and viruses)
  • Photoprotection for the skin (helps produce melanin which protects the skin from harmful radiation)
  • Increase in skin pigmentation (cosmetic tanning)
  • Can indirectly effect the nervous system (produces NO in blood stream)
  • Mutates the eyes lens that lets one absorb more light to see more loose photos around the subject
  • Can look at the sun more longer with out burnout effects.

Negative Effects (Over Exposure to UV)

  • Ages Skin
  • Causes sunburn
  • Damages eyes only when over exposed, depending on the thickness of the lens
  • Damages Immune System
  • Can indirectly effect the nervous system (produces NO in blood stream)

Interesting Effects on Animals and Insects

  • Some animals can see into near UV light allowing them to better locate flowers, seeds, and fruit.
  • Many insects can sense UV emissions and use them as references when navigating in flight (this is why insects are attracted to light).

Effects of Ultra Violet Light on Polymers

UV light can actually weaken the structure of polymers and fade their color.


The Potential of Biophoton Manipulation

There are individuals who practice and manipulate biophotons and can generate hundreds of thousands of biophotons more than the average person in a matter of seconds.
These individuals can harness and generate the power of ultra-violet light which as seen above can have many positive and negative effects depending on the amount of exposure.
John Kruth, a researcher from the Rhine Research Center, has even been quoted stating that he has witnessed two individuals emit over a million biophotons.
With the ability to release and control such high levels of radiation individuals could potentially do so to heal or harm others and themselves.
The many applications of biophoton manipulation are staggering and the implications and applications of someone capable of generating and controlling massive amounts of biophotons is great.


How to Increase Your Ability to Manipulate Bio-Photons

  • Practice Tai-Chi, Energy_Manipulation , Energy Healing, or Meditation in order to gain the ability to control bio-photon emissions and to emit more bio-photons than the average person.
  • Training in Energy_Manipulation later in the day when bio-photon emissions are at their peak levels is ideal, as the number of bio-photons emitted over the course of the day varies and humans emit more bio-photons in the afternoon than they do in the morning.
  • Exposure to UV-A-Laser Light as well as Artificial Sunlight induces an increase in bio-photonic emmissions allowing for someone to emit more bio-photons than the average person.


How to Measure Your Ability to Manipulate Bio-Photons

  • Scientists use photo-multipliers to measure bio-photon emissions in living things.
  • People can volunteer for experiments at the Rhine Research Center where they can not only measure your ability to control bio-photons but also share and review your results with you.


Abilities Scientifically Explained by Bio-Photon Manipulation

  • The ability to strengthen one's immune system, muscle, and bone through energy manipulation as well as the immune system, muscle, and bone of others.
  • The ability to manipulate someone's nervous system through energy manipulation.
  • The ability to shield oneself and others from viruses, bacteria, and harmful photonic radiation through energy manipulation.
  • The ability to heal others and themselves emotionally and biologically by manipulating their nervous system, improving their mood and strengthing their immune system, muscles, and bones through energy manipulation.
  • The ability to blind others (temporarily or permanently) via energy manipulation.
  • The ability to harm the immune systems of others, age and burn their skin, and even cause cancer through energy manipulation.
  • The ability to guide insects and animals using energy manipulation.
  • The ability to weaken and fade the color from plastics and polymers through energy manipulation.
  • The ability to sterilize or disinfect objects and people through energy manipulation.



spectrum (plural spectra or spectrums)[1] is a condition that is not limited to a specific set of values but can vary, without steps, across a continuum. The word was first used scientifically in optics to describe the rainbow of colors invisible light after passing through a prism. As scientific understanding of light advanced, it came to apply to the entireelectromagnetic spectrum.

In the 17th century, the word spectrum was introduced into optics by Isaac Newton, referring to the range of colors observed when white light was dispersed through a prism.[2][3] Soon the term referred to a plot of light intensity or power as a function of frequency or wavelength, also known as a spectral density plot.
The term spectrum was expanded to apply to other waves, such as sound waves that could also be measured as a function of frequency, frequency spectrum and power spectrum of a signal. The term now applies to any signal that can be measured or decomposed along a continuous variable such as energy in electron spectroscopy or mass-to-charge ratio in mass spectrometry. Spectrum is also used to refer to a graphical representation of the signal as a function of the dependent variable.

Electromagnetic spectrum

Electromagnetic spectrum refers to the full range of all frequencies of electromagnetic radiation[4] and also to the characteristic distribution of electromagnetic radiation emitted or absorbed by that particular object. Devices used to measure an electromagnetic spectrum are called spectrograph orspectrometer. The visible spectrum is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be seen by the human eye.

The wavelength of visible light ranges from 390 to 700 nm.[5] 
The absorption spectrum of a chemical element or chemical compound is the spectrum of frequencies or wavelengths of incident radiation that are absorbed by the compound due to electron transitions from a lower to a higher energy state. The emission spectrum refers to the spectrum of radiation emitted by the compound due to electron transitions from a higher to a lower energy state.
Light from many different sources contains various colors, each with its own brightness or intensity. A rainbow, or prism, sends these component colors in different directions, making them individually visible at different angles. A graph of the intensity plotted against the frequency (showing the brightness of each color) is the frequency spectrum of the light. When all the visible frequencies are present equally, the perceived color of the light is white, and the spectrum is a flat line. Therefore, flat-line spectra in general are often referred to as white, whether they represent light or another type of wave phenomenon (sound, for example, or vibration in a structure).
In radio and telecommunications, the frequency spectrum can be shared among many different broadcasters. The radio spectrum is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum corresponding to frequencies lower below 300 GHz, which corresponds to wavelengths longer than about 1 mm. The microwave spectrum corresponds to frequencies between 300 MHz (0.3 GHz) and 300 GHz and wavelengths between one meter and one millimeter.[6][7] Each broadcast radio and TV station transmits a wave on an assigned frequency range, called a channel. When many broadcasters are present, the radio spectrum consists of the sum of all the individual channels, each carrying separate information, spread across a wide frequency spectrum. Any particular radio receiver will detect a single function of amplitude (voltage) vs. time. The radio then uses a tuned circuit or tuner to select a single channel or frequency band and demodulate or decode the information from that broadcaster. If we made a graph of the strength of each channel vs. the frequency of the tuner, it would be the frequency spectrum of the antenna signal.
In astronomical spectroscopy, the strength, shape, and position of absorption and emission lines, as well as the overall spectral energy distribution of the continuum, reveal many properties of astronomical objects. Stellar classification is the categorisation of stars based on their characteristic electromagnetic spectra. The spectral flux density is used to represent the spectrum of a light-source, such as a star.
In radiometry and colorimetry (or color science more generally), the spectral power distribution (SPD) of a light source is a measure of the power contributed by each frequency or color in a light source. The light spectrum is usually measured at points (often 31) along the visible spectrum, in wavelength space instead of frequency space, which makes it not strictly a spectral density. Some spectrophotometers can measure increments as fine as one to two nanometers. the values are used to calculate other specifications and then plotted to show the spectral attributes of the source. This can be helpful in analyzing the color characteristics of a particular source.

BioPhotons ~ Secrets of the Human Energy Field Revealed!
Original upload is Russia Today. On the news, around the world, 
discussing manifesting, healing and showing photos of chakras. Amazing.

Niilon aura kuvattiin ennen- ja
rukouspalvelun puolivälissä.
Kirlian -kuvaus, puhe: 19m00s -->

17. Tulkoon valkeus - Audio
Luota siihet mitä toivot. Ojentaudu sen mukaan mikä ei näy.
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- Tribute to the famous, full cospel preacher and evangelist, Mr. Niilo Yli-Vainio -

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