lauantai 7. elokuuta 2021

The COVID Scam is Unraveling at High Speed

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  • How Vaccines are creating Variants. 
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The COVID Scam is Unraveling at High Speed

Covid Scam Unraveling at High Speed

By: Paul Craig Roberts

The CDC internal data published by Washington Post totally contradicts the CDC’s claim that “vaccination provides substantial protection against the virus.” There is no basis in the CDC’s own data for the false claim.

Despite vaccination providing “substantial protection,” “universal masking is essential to reduce transmission of the Delta variant,” the CDC says. This amounts to the claim that masks offer more protection than vaccination. This claim is also known to be false. Unless the mask is a N95, masks offer no protection.

The CDC document says “new research suggests vaccinated people can spread the virus.”

The CDC document says: “vaccinated individuals infected with delta may be able to transmit the virus as easily as those who are unvaccinated. Vaccinated people infected with delta have measurable viral loads similar to those who are unvaccinated and infected with the variant.”

The CDC document says: “Vaccine breakthrough cases are expected to increase as a percentage of total cases as vaccine coverage increases.” In other words, the breakthrough cases described as “rare” by the CDC are not rare. Studies in Singapore and other countries show that 75 percent of new Covid infections reportedly occur in people who are vaccinated.

CDC Mask Guidance

CDC reports that 74% of new Covid Cases in Massachusetts are in fully vaccinated people.

74% Of COVID-19 Cases From Massachusetts Outbreak Occurred In Fully Vaccinated People: CDC

Sooner or later perhaps the CDC and NIH will consider whether there is a “delta variant” or whether the “variant” is the illnesses caused by the vaccine. With the majority of what are called “new Covid cases” or “breakthrough cases” in Singapore, UK, Israel and many other countries occurring among the vaccinated, certainly the circumstantial evidence is that the “outbreak cases” are illnesses caused by the vaccines.

The irony is that the “pandemic” will likely turn out to be the product of the PCR test that is being withdrawn because of its high rate of false positives and inability to differentiate between flu and Covid, and the real outbreak is the result of injecting people with the Covid spike protein. In other words, the vaccination program created the Covid problem.

Instead of considering these likelihoods, the health agencies and Big Pharma shills are trying to achieve universal vaccination for profit reasons and are ignoring the evidence of the mass outbreak of Covid illnesses among the fully vaccinated.

What we are likely facing is a public health catastrophe entirely caused by Big Pharma greed and incompetent and corrupt public health agencies.


About the Author: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts’ latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West, How America Was Lost, as well as The Neoconservative Threat to World Order.


The above article (Covid Scam Unraveling at High Speed) was originally created and published by and is republished here under “Fair Use” (see disclaimer below) with attribution to author Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and

Image Credit: Graphic in Featured Image (top) – by fernando zhiminaicela from Pixabay


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