- Canada, You Must Get Rid Of PM Justin Trudeau! And Fast!
- A Soros Puppet Hellbent on Destroying Canada
- Trudeau Government Announces $241.5 Million Donation to the Clinton Foundation
- Justin Trudeau’s Good Friend Jailed for Child-Porn Charges
- Another Empty Suit Who Is As Corrupt and Lawless as Obama
- George Soros isn’t in the voting machines, but the intelligence community is
- James Woolsey (director of the CIA 1993-1995),
- Michael McConnell (Director of the NSA 1992-1996 and Director of National Intelligence 2007-2009)
- Dov Zakheim (Comptroller of the Pentagon and part owner of Landmark Aviation, a support company for the extraordinary rendition flights)
- George Little (Director of Media Relations, CIA 2007-2011)
- James Clapper (Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency 1992-1995 and the current Director of National Intelligence)
- Keith Hall (Director of the National Reconnaissance Office 1997-2001)

Everything points to stolen Canadian elections
Let’s be clear: just like Barack Obama and several other NWO globalist-controlled puppets and juvenile heads of state (e.g. Emmanuel Macron), Justin Trudeau has no business being anywhere within 1000 miles of Ottawa
Barack Obama, aka Barry Soetoro Conclusively Outed AS CIA Creation.
Barack Obama, aka Barry Soetoro Conclusively Outed AS CIA Creation.
How he was ever moved into 24 Sussex remains a study in the extraordinary success of Canada’s ongoing social engineering and mass mind-control programs, which have been running at full tilt for decades.
Just take a look at this kid ! ! !
How on Earth did he ever get installed as PRIME MINISTER?!
There are very good reasons why Canada’s southern neighbor has published a number of highly radioactive exposés about the corrupt Trudeau such as this one:
Canada, You Must Get Rid Of PM Justin Trudeau! And Fast!
George Soros
Then there is this inconvenient fact about who it is that really controls Trudeau like a puppet on a string and pawn on a chessboard.
Justin Trudeau: Just Another Soros Puppet
Why would Canadians ever re-elect a guy who is obviously A Soros Puppet Hellbent on Destroying Canada.
It’s even become widely known that Trudeau was elected because of massive foreign funding from Soros’ secret Tides Foundation.
Soros pal Hillary Clinton was even able to con young Justin into pulling off this epic heist of the Canadian people:
Trudeau Government Announces $241.5 Million Donation to the Clinton Foundation
Canadian Corruption
It’s as though very few even care that Justin Trudeau’s Good Friend Jailed for Child-Porn Charges (And There’s More).
Then there is this naked governmental corruption going on in the background throughout Trudeau’s entire term in office such as this major ongoing scandal: Trudeau Implements Highly Organized Cover-up of SNC-Lavalin Scandal.
All the evidence has been in plain sight whereby Justin Trudeau was exposed as a neoliberal, corrupt corporatist in SNC Lavalin scandal (Video).
Really, the whole of Canada has been made brutally aware about TRUDEAU: Another Empty Suit Who Is As Corrupt and Lawless as Obama.
Which brings us to the stolen election.
Stolen Election
The New World Order globalist cabal did what they always do when their golden boy doesn’t stand a chance at the polls.
They simply steal the election, but in a way that it’s done totally under the radar.
How can this be unequivocally proved?
Because of how the globalists have taken over the entire Canadian power structure, it can’t be proven (unless a whistleblower emerges).
But that doesn’t mean the electorate is not aware.
Therefore, the only meaningful response to this outright election theft is to not vote in the future by declaring a nationwide election boycott.
Let’s see how the NWO globalists react to a ballot day when no one shows up.
Then they will lack the people’s consent to do whatever they want to do… which is precisely what prime minsters like Justin Trudeau allow them to do.
KEY POINT: A stolen election can occur through various means. The complicit mainstream media can rig it by withholding news reports that document even worse corruption by featuring distracting stories about ‘blackface” in the lead-up to the poll.
The electoral process can be surreptitiously fixed by the political administrators of either major party.
Or, the election machinery can be tampered with just as the counting equipment can be hacked to produce a bogus result desired by the globalist cabal. In point of fact, there are several ways to steal an election some of which may fall outside of the traditional definition of electoral theft.
The electoral process can be surreptitiously fixed by the political administrators of either major party.
Or, the election machinery can be tampered with just as the counting equipment can be hacked to produce a bogus result desired by the globalist cabal. In point of fact, there are several ways to steal an election some of which may fall outside of the traditional definition of electoral theft.

Cultural Marxist Trudeau
One last critical point: Justin Trudeau has distinguished himself as the most influential cultural marxist leader in the world today.
Truly, his administration has pushed and promoted every form of social degeneracy and sexual depravity, political expediency and governmental corruption that they thought they could get away with. [1]
This intensifying state of affairs has turned Canada into a full-blown national disaster area. Ottawa is also spearheading the LGBTQ global implementation plan designed to destroy Western Civilization, as well as the entire world.
It is especially Trudeau’s fervent and unrelenting promotion of the LGBTQ agenda, to the dismay of many Canadians, that has revealed him to be a hardcore cultural marxist.
His master’s know that when the social fabric of Canadian society has been irreparably torn, the country will be fall prey to every type of calamity and cataclysm.
This is why Trudeau’s globalist handlers forever use him to bring about more and more societal degradation every day that he’s in office.
Truly, there’s no one like him. But there are specific reasons why he’s so easily manipulated and duped. See: Is Justin Trudeau a Product of Illuminati Mind Control?
KEY POINT: It’s been pointed out numerous times by the Alt Media that the Trudeau Foundation founded by Justin’s father — Pierre Trudeau — suspiciously uses the ‘boy lover’ pedophilia symbol. There is also plenty of circumstantial evidence that indicates that Justin Trudeau’s personal sympathies profoundly lie with those on the wrong side of the Pedogate conspiracy that controls the highest echelons of the Canadian government. See: Why does the Trudeau Foundation use the ‘boy lover’ pedophile symbol?

How in the world did Trudeau’s party win this election cycle in view of his raging politically incorrect BLACKFACE scandal?
That scandal was deliberately engineered in order to sabotage his election prospects by certain determined but hidden forces, yet Trudeau will still be prime minister.
Such a fabricated outcome could only have occurred with highly purposeful design (that “design” is none other than the globalist-directed New World Order agenda).
And so it was! Again, the people of Canada end up with a PM who is totally unfit for office—any public office!
If ever there was a time to investigate how such an obvious election theft was perpetrated IN BROAD DAYLIGHT, this crucial ballot is the one.
Once those stolen elections have been confirmed, a formal recall of Trudeau ought to start post-haste, Canada!
The Millennium Report
October 22, 2019
October 22, 2019
Source[1] Trudeau was the subject of the single largest bribery scandal in Canadian history…and he’s still prime minister!
Scytls Pnyx.core successfully used in local elections in Finland
| General
For the first time in Finland, three Finnish municipalities have successfully carried out their local elections using Internet voting from polling stations from October 15 through 26. Scytl’s Pnyx.core was the core security engine of the Internet voting solution which was customized by the leading Finnish IT company TietoEnator with a voting interface designed by the Finnish Ministry of Justice. Finnish voters were given the choice to vote over the Internet or use traditional paper ballots and over 60% of them chose to cast their votes over the Internet.
Over the past years, Scytl has built a strong financial reputation thanks to a substantial growth rate ranging from 65% to 70% per year and the support of leading financial investors: Balderton Capital, Nauta Capital, Spinnaker Invest, Vulcan Capital, Sapphire Ventures, Industry Ventures and Adams Street Partners. https://www.scytl.com/en/investors/
Who owns Scytl?
Who owns Scytl?
George Soros isn’t in the voting machines, but the intelligence community is
Editor’s Note: This is the first in a series of investigative articles documenting who owns the electronic hardware and software used in the U.S. voting process. Our goal is simple: To reveal the man behind the curtain and expose the vulnerability of non-transparent, faith-based voting. ~ Bob Fitrakis, Editor.
Various far-right conspiracy researchers have been alleging for some months that George Soros somehow secretly will control the outcome of the 2012 Presidential election. The Free Press's exhaustive research can find not a single tangible link between George Soros and any manufacturer of voting equipment. Our research did find links much more frightening.
The Free Press widely reported the various dirty tricks employed by Karl Rove and company to apparently outright steal the election for George W. Bush in Ohio, and thus the nation, in 2004. Since then, a witness in our case has died in a mysterious plane crash, and all the players in the DRE (Direct Reporting Electronic) voting machine game have shifted seats in a gigantic game of musical chairs.
The Soros Allegations revolve around the entry of Barcelona based Scytl into the US elections market. Scytl was formed as a start up out of the Autonomous University of Barcelona to leverage existing concepts in modern cryptography (public key cryptography, digital signatures and zero-knowledge proofs) to ensure a secure and verifiable voting system in paperless remote environments including the internet and over wireless carriers. Scytl's scheme is intended to provide the voter with both privacy and verification that their vote was recorded as intended.
Scytl's start up funding comes from three European venture capital firms, Balderton Capital, Nauta Capital, and Spinnaker SCR (a subsidiary of Riva y Garcia, which is described as an independent financial group).
None of these are connected to George Soros. Balderton Capital is the London based spinoff of Benchmark Capital Investments which has no overtly political connections that our research could determine at this time. Nauta Capital and Spinnaker SCR are a different matter.
Nauta Capital was founded by 8 executives of the European management consulting firm Cluster Consulting. Cluster Consulting was purchased by Diamond Consulting (NYSE: DPTI) to form Diamond Cluster consulting. Diamond Cluster was subsequently purchased by Mercer Management Consulting and its Europe division spun off. The principles of the original Cluster Consulting used their profits from these mergers to fund Nauta.
Two of the principals, Jordi Vinas and Charles Ferrar Roqueta, also have board positions at Spinnaker SCR and/or Riva y Garcia, keeping this coterie's control of Scytl very close. All of Nauta's partners have a strong background in the telecommunications business. In 2010, Scytl purchased a 100% interest in SOE software, an up and coming player in the American elections market with their Clarity Software Suite which is used in 525 jurisdictions in 19 states.
SOE has a strategic partnership with ES & S, the major marketer of electronic voting systems in the US. ES & S was sued by the US DOJ in 2009 on anti-trust grounds after purchasing Diebold's elections division, Premier Election Solutions. ES & S subsequently sold Premier to rival manufacturer Dominion. Bob Urosevich, founder of ES & S, was also President of Diebold. In 2006 Urosevich was listed as managing director of Scytl Americas, although his name has subsequently been removed from their website.
The director of Nauta's American operations is Dominic Endicott, who went from Cluster Consulting to Booz Allen Hamilton (NYSE: BAH) where he oversaw wireless practice. He then rejoined his former colleagues from Cluster Consulting at Nauta. In his capacity as a Nauta partner Endicott also sits on the board of CarrierIQ.
Booz Allen Hamilton is majority owned by the Bush family friendly firm Carlyle Group. A long time government contractor, Booz Allen’s current and former management team has included some of the leading lights of the intelligence community such as:
• James Woolsey (director of the CIA 1993-1995),
• Michael McConnell (Director of the NSA 1992-1996 and Director of National Intelligence 2007-2009)
• Dov Zakheim (Comptroller of the Pentagon and part owner of Landmark Aviation, a support company for the extraordinary rendition flights)
• George Little (Director of Media Relations, CIA 2007-2011)
• James Clapper (Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency 1992-1995 and the current Director of National Intelligence)
• Keith Hall (Director of the National Reconnaissance Office 1997-2001)
Booz Allen was heavily involved as a sub-contractor in Projects TrailBlazer and PioneerGroundbreaker, which were NSA warrantless wiretap programs that spied on US Citizens in the wake of 9/11.
These programs, along with Echelon, Carnivore, Thinthread and StellarWind were designed as an end run around FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) and the 4th amendment. The programs relied heavily on cooperation from private industry, including most telecom and wireless providers, a community where Endicott has vast experience having “worked with nearly all American mobile operators and is a well-known expert in wireless industry in USA,” according to Nauta's website.
Booz Allen also has a finger in the electronic voting industry, being the providers of the first DRE voting scheme for use by overseas voters in 2000. In the end, the $6.2 million program allowed 84 service members to vote.
Booz Allen applied for and was granted a US patent (7,729,991 applied for 3/20/01 granted 6/1/10) for another electronic voting system and voter registration system over a network. This system bears a passing similarity to Scytl's scheme, although without the verification of voter intent by the voter.
Endicott's board tenure at CarrierIQ is also not without controversy around privacy concerns. Researcher Trevor Eckhart discovered in November of 2011 that CarrierIQ's software, installed on smartphones made by Apple, HTC, NEC and Samsung and used by the carriers AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile, logs the location, phones call times and destination (pen-register), texts, internet searches and keystrokes for the mobile service provider without end user knowledge or opt-in, possibly in violation of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act.
The FBI denied a FOIA request for training manuals and documents relating to CarrierIQ's software on the basis of a pending law enforcement proceeding. The FBI could make this claim this if it is using CarrierIQ for domestic surveillance of American citizens.
Scytl's allegedly secure voting method would be completely undermined by CarrierIQ's software. Interestingly Scytl seems to be set to market and deploy mobile phone voting applications for iPhone and Android in the 2014 election cycle. Scytl's end user verification of voter intent is completely useless in conjunction with all DRE voting machines currently in use. With direct internet and wireless reporting, targeted man-in-the-middle attacks against certain precincts could tip election results without leaving the evidence traces of 2004 which allowed the Free Press to raise serious questions as to whether the United States of America was subjected to its second coup in as many elections.
Revised 9/30/2012.
Editor’s Note: This is the first in a series of investigative articles documenting who owns the electronic hardware and software used in the U.S. voting process. Our goal is simple: To reveal the man behind the curtain and expose the vulnerability of non-transparent, faith-based voting. ~ Bob Fitrakis, Editor.
Various far-right conspiracy researchers have been alleging for some months that George Soros somehow secretly will control the outcome of the 2012 Presidential election. The Free Press's exhaustive research can find not a single tangible link between George Soros and any manufacturer of voting equipment. Our research did find links much more frightening.
The Free Press widely reported the various dirty tricks employed by Karl Rove and company to apparently outright steal the election for George W. Bush in Ohio, and thus the nation, in 2004. Since then, a witness in our case has died in a mysterious plane crash, and all the players in the DRE (Direct Reporting Electronic) voting machine game have shifted seats in a gigantic game of musical chairs.
The Soros Allegations revolve around the entry of Barcelona based Scytl into the US elections market. Scytl was formed as a start up out of the Autonomous University of Barcelona to leverage existing concepts in modern cryptography (public key cryptography, digital signatures and zero-knowledge proofs) to ensure a secure and verifiable voting system in paperless remote environments including the internet and over wireless carriers. Scytl's scheme is intended to provide the voter with both privacy and verification that their vote was recorded as intended.
Scytl's start up funding comes from three European venture capital firms, Balderton Capital, Nauta Capital, and Spinnaker SCR (a subsidiary of Riva y Garcia, which is described as an independent financial group).
None of these are connected to George Soros. Balderton Capital is the London based spinoff of Benchmark Capital Investments which has no overtly political connections that our research could determine at this time. Nauta Capital and Spinnaker SCR are a different matter.
Nauta Capital was founded by 8 executives of the European management consulting firm Cluster Consulting. Cluster Consulting was purchased by Diamond Consulting (NYSE: DPTI) to form Diamond Cluster consulting. Diamond Cluster was subsequently purchased by Mercer Management Consulting and its Europe division spun off. The principles of the original Cluster Consulting used their profits from these mergers to fund Nauta.
Two of the principals, Jordi Vinas and Charles Ferrar Roqueta, also have board positions at Spinnaker SCR and/or Riva y Garcia, keeping this coterie's control of Scytl very close. All of Nauta's partners have a strong background in the telecommunications business. In 2010, Scytl purchased a 100% interest in SOE software, an up and coming player in the American elections market with their Clarity Software Suite which is used in 525 jurisdictions in 19 states.
SOE has a strategic partnership with ES & S, the major marketer of electronic voting systems in the US. ES & S was sued by the US DOJ in 2009 on anti-trust grounds after purchasing Diebold's elections division, Premier Election Solutions. ES & S subsequently sold Premier to rival manufacturer Dominion. Bob Urosevich, founder of ES & S, was also President of Diebold. In 2006 Urosevich was listed as managing director of Scytl Americas, although his name has subsequently been removed from their website.
The director of Nauta's American operations is Dominic Endicott, who went from Cluster Consulting to Booz Allen Hamilton (NYSE: BAH) where he oversaw wireless practice. He then rejoined his former colleagues from Cluster Consulting at Nauta. In his capacity as a Nauta partner Endicott also sits on the board of CarrierIQ.
Booz Allen Hamilton is majority owned by the Bush family friendly firm Carlyle Group. A long time government contractor, Booz Allen’s current and former management team has included some of the leading lights of the intelligence community such as:
• James Woolsey (director of the CIA 1993-1995),
• Michael McConnell (Director of the NSA 1992-1996 and Director of National Intelligence 2007-2009)
• Dov Zakheim (Comptroller of the Pentagon and part owner of Landmark Aviation, a support company for the extraordinary rendition flights)
• George Little (Director of Media Relations, CIA 2007-2011)
• James Clapper (Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency 1992-1995 and the current Director of National Intelligence)
• Keith Hall (Director of the National Reconnaissance Office 1997-2001)
Booz Allen was heavily involved as a sub-contractor in Projects TrailBlazer and PioneerGroundbreaker, which were NSA warrantless wiretap programs that spied on US Citizens in the wake of 9/11.
These programs, along with Echelon, Carnivore, Thinthread and StellarWind were designed as an end run around FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) and the 4th amendment. The programs relied heavily on cooperation from private industry, including most telecom and wireless providers, a community where Endicott has vast experience having “worked with nearly all American mobile operators and is a well-known expert in wireless industry in USA,” according to Nauta's website.
Booz Allen also has a finger in the electronic voting industry, being the providers of the first DRE voting scheme for use by overseas voters in 2000. In the end, the $6.2 million program allowed 84 service members to vote.
Booz Allen applied for and was granted a US patent (7,729,991 applied for 3/20/01 granted 6/1/10) for another electronic voting system and voter registration system over a network. This system bears a passing similarity to Scytl's scheme, although without the verification of voter intent by the voter.
Endicott's board tenure at CarrierIQ is also not without controversy around privacy concerns. Researcher Trevor Eckhart discovered in November of 2011 that CarrierIQ's software, installed on smartphones made by Apple, HTC, NEC and Samsung and used by the carriers AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile, logs the location, phones call times and destination (pen-register), texts, internet searches and keystrokes for the mobile service provider without end user knowledge or opt-in, possibly in violation of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act.
The FBI denied a FOIA request for training manuals and documents relating to CarrierIQ's software on the basis of a pending law enforcement proceeding. The FBI could make this claim this if it is using CarrierIQ for domestic surveillance of American citizens.
Scytl's allegedly secure voting method would be completely undermined by CarrierIQ's software. Interestingly Scytl seems to be set to market and deploy mobile phone voting applications for iPhone and Android in the 2014 election cycle. Scytl's end user verification of voter intent is completely useless in conjunction with all DRE voting machines currently in use. With direct internet and wireless reporting, targeted man-in-the-middle attacks against certain precincts could tip election results without leaving the evidence traces of 2004 which allowed the Free Press to raise serious questions as to whether the United States of America was subjected to its second coup in as many elections.
Revised 9/30/2012.
Nauta Capital
Nauta Capital, founded in 2004, is a Venture Capital firm specilized in early stage technology companies. Investment targets are companies mainly in 3 verticals: Mobility/wireless, Enterprise software/security, and ecommerce/Internet, have strong growth potential and a vocation to develop international markets. Nauta has $230 million under management and invests in Western Europe and the USA. Nauta invests mainly in seed, series A and B compnies, and up to $10M over the whole life of a company. Nauta has offices in Barcelona (Spain), Boston, MA (USA), and London (UK).
Nauta Capital, founded in 2004, is a Venture Capital firm specilized in early stage technology companies. Investment targets are companies mainly in 3 verticals: Mobility/wireless, Enterprise software/security, and ecommerce/Internet, have strong growth potential and a vocation to develop international markets. Nauta has $230 million under management and invests in Western Europe and the USA. Nauta invests mainly in seed, series A and B compnies, and up to $10M over the whole life of a company. Nauta has offices in Barcelona (Spain), Boston, MA (USA), and London (UK).
'Expert' giving seal of approval actually Soros-linked activist
Published: 10/03/2013 at 9:09 PM

Scytl, the foreign-headquartered company that recently purchased the leading U.S. electronic voting firm, wants the public to know it can be trusted in the election process.
'Expert' giving seal of approval actually Soros-linked activist
Published: 10/03/2013 at 9:09 PM

Scytl, the foreign-headquartered company that recently purchased the leading U.S. electronic voting firm, wants the public to know it can be trusted in the election process.
Published: 10/03/2013 at 9:09 PM
Scytl, the foreign-headquartered company that recently purchased the leading U.S. electronic voting firm, wants the public to know it can be trusted in the election process.
To back its claim, Scytl issued a press release last week boasting that the company continues to receive “industry expert recognition” for its election technology breakthroughs.
WND has learned the firm vouching for Scytl has links to billionaire activist George Soros.WND recently reported Scyrl acquired the software division of a non-profit election organization tied to Soros’ Open Society Institute.
WND also reported Scytl announced its technology will be deployed at more U.S. jurisdictions ahead of the 2014 midterm elections.
Now the company has issued a press release announcing Scytl “continues receiving electoral and industry expert recognition for its end-to-end election modernization technology and electoral roadmap implementation approach from organizations such as IDC, Ovum and ACEEEO.”
WND has learned the firm vouching for Scytl has links to billionaire activist George Soros.
WND recently reported Scyrl acquired the software division of a non-profit election organization tied to Soros’ Open Society Institute.
WND also reported Scytl announced its technology will be deployed at more U.S. jurisdictions ahead of the 2014 midterm elections.
Now the company has issued a press release announcing Scytl “continues receiving electoral and industry expert recognition for its end-to-end election modernization technology and electoral roadmap implementation approach from organizations such as IDC, Ovum and ACEEEO.”
Scytl purchased the software division of Gov2U, described as a non-profit organization dedicated to developing and promoting the use of technology in the fields of governance and democracy.
A Scytl press release said: “Gov2U created its software division in 2004 and, since then, it has developed a wide array of innovative award-winning eDemocracy solutions that have been implemented in multiple countries across Europe, Africa and America at the local, regional and federal government levels.”
The Spain-based company says the “main purpose of these tools is to engage citizens in participatory processes through the use of online and offline platforms, bringing more transparency and legitimacy to decision-making processes.”
Gov4U is currently partnered with Soros’ Open Society to support and develop a group called the Declaration on Parliamentary Openness.
The group runs a website, OpeningParliament.org, which says it is a forum “intended to help connect the world’s civic organizations engaged in monitoring, supporting and opening up their countries’ parliaments and legislative institutions.”
Gov4U, meanwhile, has eight partners of its own listed on its website, including the Soros-funded and partnered National Democratic Institute, or NDI.
Aside from receiving financial support for Soros, NDI has co-hosted scores of events along with Soros’ Open Society. The two groups work closely together.
NDI and the Open Society, for example, worked together to push for electoral and legislative reform in Romania.
NDI boasts that with Open Society Institute funds it conducted a political leadership training series for Romanian activists to “bring tangible improvements to their communities.”
NDI describes itself as a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nongovernmental organization working to establish and strengthen political and civic organizations, safeguard elections and promote citizen participation, openness and accountability in government.
NDI previously stated it was founded to draw on the traditions of the U.S. Democratic Party.
WND found that NDI is also listed as the only U.S.-associated organization of Socialists International, the world’s largest socialist umbrella group.
NDI was originally created by the federally funded National Endowment for Democracy, or NED, which itself founded joint NDI projects with the Open Society. Another NDI financial backer is the United States Agency for International Development, USAID.
U.S. elections, national security concerns
With the purchase of SOE Software, Scytl increased its involvement in the U.S. elections process. SOE Software boasts a strong U.S. presence, providing results in more than 900 jurisdictions.
In 2009, Scytl formally registered with the U.S. Election Assistance Commission as the first Internet voting manufacturer in the U.S. under the EAC Voting System Testing and Certification Program.
Also that year, Scytl entered into an agreement with another firm, Hart InterCivic, to jointly market its pollbook.
Scytl’s ePollBook already has replaced the paper precinct roster in Washington, D.C.
In the 2012 presidential election, Scytl was contracted by the states of New York, Arkansas, Alabama, West Virginia, Alaska, Puerto Rico and Mississippi to provide the overseas ballots.
During the midterm elections in November 2010, Scytl successfully carried out electoral modernization projects in 14 states. The company boasted that a “great variety” of Scytl’s technologies were involved in the projects, including an online platform for the delivery of blank ballots to overseas voters, an Internet voting platform and epollbook software to manage the electoral roll at the polling stations.
The states that used Scytl’s technologies during the midterms were New York, Texas, Washington, California, Florida, Alabama, Missouri, Indiana, Kansas, Mississippi, New Mexico, Nebraska, West Virginia and Washington, D.C.
Just prior to the midterms however, the new electronic voting system in Washington, D.C., was hacked.
As a program security trial, the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics reportedly encouraged outside parties to find flaws in its new online balloting system. A group of University of Michigan students then hacked into the site and commanded it to play the school’s fight song upon casting a vote.
It’s not the first time Scytl’s systems have been called into question.
Voter Action, an advocacy group that seeks elections integrity in the U.S., sent a lengthy complaint to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission in April 2010 charging the integration of Scytl systems “raises national security concerns.”
“Foreign governments may also seek to undermine the national security interests of the United States, either directly or through other organizations,” Voter Action charged.
The document notes that Scytl was founded in 2001 as a spinoff from a research group at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, which was partially funded by the Spanish government’s Ministry of Science and Technology.
Along with Barcelona, Scytl has offices in Washington, D.C., Singapore, Bratislava and Athens.
Project Vote noted that in 2008, the Florida Department of State commissioned a review of Scytl’s remote voting software and concluded in part that:
- The system is vulnerable to attack from insiders.
- In a worst case scenario, the software could lead to 1) voters being unable to cast votes; 2) an election that does not accurately reflect the will of the voters; and 3) possible disclosure of confidential information, such as the votes cast by individual voters.
- The system may be subject to attacks that could compromise the integrity of the votes cast.
Voting through Google, Apple?
As WND reported in May 2012 the company announced the successful implementation of technology that allows ballots to be cast using Google and Apple smart phones and tablet computers.
Scytl unveiled a platform that it says encrypts each individual ballot on a voter’s Google or Apple mobile device before the ballot is then transmitted to an electronic voting system.
Using this technology, “Scytl is now able to guarantee end-to-end security – from the voter to the final tally – not only for computer-based online voting but also for mobile voting,” stated a press release by the company.
“By leveraging its pioneering security technology with Google and Apple’s mobile device platforms, Scytl has become the premier election technology provider to offer an online voting system that guarantees the highest standards in terms of both voter privacy and ballot integrity both on personal computers and mobile devices,” said Gabriel Dos Santos, Scytl’s vice president of software engineering.
The U.S. currently does not utilize voting platforms using mobile devices. Scytl sees such methods as the future of electronic voting.
With additional research by Brenda J. Elliott.
To back its claim, Scytl issued a press release last week boasting that the company continues to receive “industry expert recognition” for its election technology breakthroughs.
WND has learned the firm vouching for Scytl has links to billionaire activist George Soros.WND recently reported Scyrl acquired the software division of a non-profit election organization tied to Soros’ Open Society Institute.
WND has learned the firm vouching for Scytl has links to billionaire activist George Soros.WND recently reported Scyrl acquired the software division of a non-profit election organization tied to Soros’ Open Society Institute.
WND also reported Scytl announced its technology will be deployed at more U.S. jurisdictions ahead of the 2014 midterm elections.
Now the company has issued a press release announcing Scytl “continues receiving electoral and industry expert recognition for its end-to-end election modernization technology and electoral roadmap implementation approach from organizations such as IDC, Ovum and ACEEEO.”
WND has learned the firm vouching for Scytl has links to billionaire activist George Soros.
WND recently reported Scyrl acquired the software division of a non-profit election organization tied to Soros’ Open Society Institute.
WND also reported Scytl announced its technology will be deployed at more U.S. jurisdictions ahead of the 2014 midterm elections.
Now the company has issued a press release announcing Scytl “continues receiving electoral and industry expert recognition for its end-to-end election modernization technology and electoral roadmap implementation approach from organizations such as IDC, Ovum and ACEEEO.”
Scytl purchased the software division of Gov2U, described as a non-profit organization dedicated to developing and promoting the use of technology in the fields of governance and democracy.
A Scytl press release said: “Gov2U created its software division in 2004 and, since then, it has developed a wide array of innovative award-winning eDemocracy solutions that have been implemented in multiple countries across Europe, Africa and America at the local, regional and federal government levels.”
The Spain-based company says the “main purpose of these tools is to engage citizens in participatory processes through the use of online and offline platforms, bringing more transparency and legitimacy to decision-making processes.”
Gov4U is currently partnered with Soros’ Open Society to support and develop a group called the Declaration on Parliamentary Openness.
The group runs a website, OpeningParliament.org, which says it is a forum “intended to help connect the world’s civic organizations engaged in monitoring, supporting and opening up their countries’ parliaments and legislative institutions.”
Gov4U, meanwhile, has eight partners of its own listed on its website, including the Soros-funded and partnered National Democratic Institute, or NDI.
Aside from receiving financial support for Soros, NDI has co-hosted scores of events along with Soros’ Open Society. The two groups work closely together.
NDI and the Open Society, for example, worked together to push for electoral and legislative reform in Romania.
NDI boasts that with Open Society Institute funds it conducted a political leadership training series for Romanian activists to “bring tangible improvements to their communities.”
NDI describes itself as a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nongovernmental organization working to establish and strengthen political and civic organizations, safeguard elections and promote citizen participation, openness and accountability in government.
NDI previously stated it was founded to draw on the traditions of the U.S. Democratic Party.
WND found that NDI is also listed as the only U.S.-associated organization of Socialists International, the world’s largest socialist umbrella group.
NDI was originally created by the federally funded National Endowment for Democracy, or NED, which itself founded joint NDI projects with the Open Society. Another NDI financial backer is the United States Agency for International Development, USAID.
U.S. elections, national security concerns
With the purchase of SOE Software, Scytl increased its involvement in the U.S. elections process. SOE Software boasts a strong U.S. presence, providing results in more than 900 jurisdictions.
In 2009, Scytl formally registered with the U.S. Election Assistance Commission as the first Internet voting manufacturer in the U.S. under the EAC Voting System Testing and Certification Program.
Also that year, Scytl entered into an agreement with another firm, Hart InterCivic, to jointly market its pollbook.
Scytl’s ePollBook already has replaced the paper precinct roster in Washington, D.C.
In the 2012 presidential election, Scytl was contracted by the states of New York, Arkansas, Alabama, West Virginia, Alaska, Puerto Rico and Mississippi to provide the overseas ballots.
During the midterm elections in November 2010, Scytl successfully carried out electoral modernization projects in 14 states. The company boasted that a “great variety” of Scytl’s technologies were involved in the projects, including an online platform for the delivery of blank ballots to overseas voters, an Internet voting platform and epollbook software to manage the electoral roll at the polling stations.
The states that used Scytl’s technologies during the midterms were New York, Texas, Washington, California, Florida, Alabama, Missouri, Indiana, Kansas, Mississippi, New Mexico, Nebraska, West Virginia and Washington, D.C.
Just prior to the midterms however, the new electronic voting system in Washington, D.C., was hacked.
As a program security trial, the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics reportedly encouraged outside parties to find flaws in its new online balloting system. A group of University of Michigan students then hacked into the site and commanded it to play the school’s fight song upon casting a vote.
It’s not the first time Scytl’s systems have been called into question.
Voter Action, an advocacy group that seeks elections integrity in the U.S., sent a lengthy complaint to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission in April 2010 charging the integration of Scytl systems “raises national security concerns.”
“Foreign governments may also seek to undermine the national security interests of the United States, either directly or through other organizations,” Voter Action charged.
The document notes that Scytl was founded in 2001 as a spinoff from a research group at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, which was partially funded by the Spanish government’s Ministry of Science and Technology.
Along with Barcelona, Scytl has offices in Washington, D.C., Singapore, Bratislava and Athens.
Project Vote noted that in 2008, the Florida Department of State commissioned a review of Scytl’s remote voting software and concluded in part that:
- The system is vulnerable to attack from insiders.
- In a worst case scenario, the software could lead to 1) voters being unable to cast votes; 2) an election that does not accurately reflect the will of the voters; and 3) possible disclosure of confidential information, such as the votes cast by individual voters.
- The system may be subject to attacks that could compromise the integrity of the votes cast.
Voting through Google, Apple?
As WND reported in May 2012 the company announced the successful implementation of technology that allows ballots to be cast using Google and Apple smart phones and tablet computers.
Scytl unveiled a platform that it says encrypts each individual ballot on a voter’s Google or Apple mobile device before the ballot is then transmitted to an electronic voting system.
Using this technology, “Scytl is now able to guarantee end-to-end security – from the voter to the final tally – not only for computer-based online voting but also for mobile voting,” stated a press release by the company.
“By leveraging its pioneering security technology with Google and Apple’s mobile device platforms, Scytl has become the premier election technology provider to offer an online voting system that guarantees the highest standards in terms of both voter privacy and ballot integrity both on personal computers and mobile devices,” said Gabriel Dos Santos, Scytl’s vice president of software engineering.
The U.S. currently does not utilize voting platforms using mobile devices. Scytl sees such methods as the future of electronic voting.
With additional research by Brenda J. Elliott.
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