Agenda 21 converted into 2030
War on terror:
The “war on terror” that never did seem to end turned out to be the perfect tool to rationalize permanent war against all citizens, everyone, anywhere, everywhere, at anytime. Essentially setup to kill the human species, for the benefit of a tiny group known as the Illuminati, alias globalist, Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, in general the Archon bloodline families, acting in our today’s society as the financial elite.
If you didn’t like Agenda 21 that originally was planned for implementation by 2050 then you really are not going to like the 2030 Agenda, because the 2030 Agenda takes things to an entirely new level.
The original plan for Agenda 21 and now 2030 was written by Professor Weishaupt when he founded in 1776 the Order of the Illuminati; actually a fascist Nazi organisation, which employs as their frontman, government leaders, being their visible acting puppet. – Most of our ‘elected leaders sold their soul to the satanic bosses to keep them hidden from the public. Those leaders that commit treason or resign are disciplinary penalized by premature death.
The original plan for Agenda 21 and now 2030 was written by Professor Weishaupt when he founded in 1776 the Order of the Illuminati; actually a fascist Nazi organisation, which employs as their frontman, government leaders, being their visible acting puppet. – Most of our ‘elected leaders sold their soul to the satanic bosses to keep them hidden from the public. Those leaders that commit treason or resign are disciplinary penalized by premature death.
On 1 May 1776 Johann Adam Weishaupt founded the "Illuminati" in the Electorate of Bavaria. He adopted the name of "Brother Spartacus" within the order. Even encyclopedia references vary on the goal of the order, such as New Advent saying the Order was not egalitarian or democratic internally, but sought to promote the doctrines of equality and freedom throughout society;[18] while others like Collier's have said the aim was to combat religion and foster rationalism in its place
Illuminati and the Agenda:
The Illuminati’s final objective is to obtain the planet for them, and being served by maximal 500 million people that are left alive to act as their serfs, the rest of the existing populace will be exterminated.
By recognizing what already is part of our daily live, you will be impressed how far they have succeeded.
- The creation of racism offences
- Continual change to create confusion
- The undermining of schools and teachers’ authority
- The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
- Huge immigration to destroy national identity
- The promotion of excessive drinking
- The promotion of drugs abuse
- Emptying of churches – undermining any form of social cohesion
- Legal system with bias against victims of crime
- Dependency on the government or government benefits – and erasing these as is happening now
- Control and dumping down of the media
- Encouraging the breaking down of the family
The points about ‘huge immigration to destroy national identity’ – ‘teaching sex to young children’ – ‘undermining teachers’ authority’ – ‘emptying churches’ – and ‘controlling the media’, are clearly seen everywhere in the western world.
The recent most significant steps forwards were taken at the end of last month, during the 70th United Nations Assembly where all well-coordinated actions toward the one-world government were presented, but yet barely anyone is even talking about it.
Basically Agenda 21 has been converted and renamed in a “new universal Agenda” for humanity. Officially now known as the program of Agenda 2030, being hyped as a way to get the whole world to work together to make life better for all of us. And presented as an admirable new agenda the world is waiting for, with more globalisation and more centralisation!
Under the guise of interest for nation-states, the one umbrella of the New World Order, which must create sustainable life on the planet, and stop climate change. – Unfortunately today too many people are too complacent and squarely ignorant to the many warnings that are visible all around them. They still think that authorities are taking care of them, so, above view would be impossible and consequently are dismissed as conspiracy.
However importantly, the Pope gave his stamp of approval for this insidious new Agenda 2030. He is probably the most politically powerful religious leader on the entire planet, and so his endorsement is huge, because hundreds of millions of people follow him with unquestioning faith. But please do not let the Pope’s endorsement fool you. The 2030 Agenda is a tool that the elite plan to use to push us toward a one-world system, to be implemented not later than by the year 2030. Mind you 15 years from now!
The UN says that this new Agenda is “voluntary”, and yet virtually every single-puppet-nation on the entire planet is willingly signing up for it. In the official document that all of these nations are agreeing to, there are 17 sustainable development goals and 169 very specific sustainable development targets. Read them for yourself here.
The phrase “new universal Agenda” is right near the end of the preamble.
The phrase “new universal Agenda” is right near the end of the preamble.
The program is being hyped for; who wouldn’t want to end global poverty? But look deeper into what the UN is trying to do; you’ll find some very disturbing trends.
Major alarm bells should start going off once stuff like this is read. People are now witnessing the last stages of the rise of the one-world regime, and eventually much of the planet is ultimately going to embrace it.
As Paul McGuire writes in his new book “The Babylon Code”
I, Pet Goat II Symbolism Explained by Filmaker Louis Lefebvre Part 1 of 2— Graviola Finland (@GraviolaDOTfi) 22. huhtikuuta 2019
- The film features particularly the agendas of presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, with allusions to Biblical theology and Egyptian imagery in a post-apocalyptic setting
The UN is not asking permission, but issuing a command that the entire planet will commit to 17 sustainable development goals and 169 sustainable development targets designed to radically transform our world by 2030. The UN 2030 plan promoted by the Pope will advance Agenda 21 on steroids.
Through a controlled media the mass populations will be told that this is all about saving the environment and “ending poverty.” But that is not the true agenda of Agenda 21.
The true agenda of Agenda 21 is to establish a global government, global economic system, and global religion. When UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon spoke of “a dream of a world of peace and dignity for all”
- this is no different than when the Communists promised the people a “workers paradise.” (Emphasis is mine). The Climate Change Hoax - David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast— David Icke (@davidicke) 28. huhtikuuta 2019
Despite many private initiatives by bloggers,i ndependent journalists, truth seekers, revolutionaries, and alternative news sources that for many years are warning about dangers, the discrepancies, the out of control top-down financial and governmental corruption, all engineered by lies, and deception, the suffering of millions of people as result of the unnecessary austerity measures, culminating in today’s deliberately created economic crisis, etc.
Too many people still are unworried and ignorant to see these warning signs.
– If action is not taken NOW; we the people that live today are responsible for allowing the killing off of the human species in the billions, by not being alert and incompetent to undertake significant proper engagement to stop this agenda.
Too many people still are unworried and ignorant to see these warning signs.
– If action is not taken NOW; we the people that live today are responsible for allowing the killing off of the human species in the billions, by not being alert and incompetent to undertake significant proper engagement to stop this agenda.
The Agenda:Agenda 21 was primarily focused on climate change and the environment, but the 2030 Agenda goes far beyond that.
The 2030 Agenda addresses in far more depth economics, agriculture, education, gender equality, healthcare and a whole host of other issues. There are very few forms of human activity that do not fall under the goals of the 2030 Agenda.
The Illumnati want a one-world government, a one world economic system and a one-world religion, being implemented by not later than 2030!
They aren’t going to get there without some major bumps in the road, but this is what we are moving toward.
Sadly, we all are too preoccupied with so many other things than the Agenda 2030, so it isn’t seen that all this is starting to happen right in front of our eyes.
Sustainable Development Agenda:
The UN’s “Sustainable Development Agenda” is Basically a Giant Corporatist Fraud. It’s not a joke – Saudi Arabia is chosen to head the UN Human Rights Panel!– King Salman killed more than 70 of his close relatives in order to seize the throne; there may be more deaths in his immediate circle over the coming days, intelligence sources predict.
The official significance of the Agenda is expressed as:
This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom.
We recognize that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development. All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan…
We recognize that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development. All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan…
Innocent wording to take away any suspicion by the public, but it is a blatant lie and a total deception regarding the importance and implications
for humanity, everyone living on the planet. – More precisely the UN Agendas 21 and 2030 “sustainable development” is an UN-led program where individuals will be stripped of personal rights and freedoms, cars will become scarce and the masses will be herded into large hellish cities and forced to live in tiny “sustainable” dorm-like apartments.
Further: “The United Nations seeks to co-opt, via individual governments, and eventually, a “one-world government,” confiscate privately held land under the auspices of “sustainability.” Worse still, the UN’s Agenda 21 has even laid out plans for “depopulation” or rather, “population control.”
United Nations:
The United Nations is an infinitely corrupt body founded by the Rockefeller family in charge to enforce a new and centralized global order on behalf of the Archon bloodline families. However the Internet has dealt grievous blows to the secrecy that the cabal needs to carry out its centralizing plans. But the cabal still exists without doubt and despite defections controls the world’s money supply and most of its military forces.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the “free trade” agreement between the United States and 11 other Pacific Rim nations, was finalized last week after years of knockdown, drag-out, and behind-closed-door negotiation. Not a single Politician that had to decide over its implementation has been allowed to read the content of this agreement!
This deal is a naked corporate bonanza. “Labor unions, among many others, have lined up to oppose the TPP based on concerns over a number of issues, including currency manipulation, environmental and health protections, food safety, pharmaceutical monopolies, offshoring of jobs, Internet privacy, government transparency and local control,” says RT. It adds, “Leaked drafts of TPP negotiations have suggested that corporations would be allowed to sue governments in private courts over lost profits due to regulation, elevating corporate entities to the status held by sovereign nations.”
Global corporations will tap taxpayers’ wallets if regulations cut into the bottom line. And deals will be set up to let that happen!
And last but no least: Fresh off the scene from those epic embarrassments, the UN now wants to tell governments of the world how to censor the Internet.
“The elite do not announce radical changes overnight. They prefer to make small moves, year after year, through boring technical changes that few notice or understand.”
In preparation for the implementation of the Agenda, and stripping every nation of its sovereignty, since the Cold War and its aftermath, democracy is not how U.S. politicians have used the term. When an American president uses the word “democracy,” he means a pro-American country following U.S. neoliberal policies, no matter if the country is a military dictatorship or its government was brought in by a coup (euphemized as a Colour Revolution) as in Egypt, Tunisia, Georgia, or Ukraine.
A “democratic” government has been re-defined simply as one supporting the Washington Consensus, NATO and the IMF, with a privately cabal-owned Central Bank implemented. It is a government that shifts policy-making out of the hands of elected representatives to an “independent” central bank, whose policies are dictated by the oligarchy centred in Wall Street, the City of London and Frankfurt.
Given this American re-definition of the political vocabulary, when President Obama says that such countries will not suffer coups, violent revolution or terrorism, he means that countries safely within the U.S. diplomatic orbit will be free of destabilization sponsored by the U.S. State Department, Defence Department and Treasury. Countries whose voters democratically elect a government or regime that acts independently – or even simply use the power to act independently of U.S. directives, will be destabilized, Syria-style, Ukraine-style or Chilean-style under General Pinochet. As Henry Kissinger said, just because a country votes in communists doesn’t mean that we have to accept it. This is the style of the “colour revolutions” sponsored by the National Endowment for Democracy.
As blatant examples look at the destruction the US has inflicted in former Yugoslavia, Ukraine, Georgia and South Ossetia, in various African countries, in Afghanistan, in Iraq, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and now in Syria that hopefully thanks to Russian intervention could be saved. Most people are too brainwashed by lies and political impotence to do anything about it, while Washington’s vassal states in Europe, UK, Canada, Australia, and Japan pretend that this policy of international murder was bringing freedom and democracy!
The UN Reaction from Putin:
In his United Nations reply, Russian President Putin warned against the “export of democratic revolution,” meaning by the United States in support of its local factotums. ISIL is armed with U.S. weapons and its soldiers were trained by U.S. armed forces. In case there was any doubt, President Obama reiterated before the United Nations that until Syrian President Assad was removed in favour of one more submissive to U.S. oil and military policy, Assad was the major enemy, not ISIL.
Agenda 21 Program:
The Archon bloodlines want us to accept the Agenda 21 program. Unfortunately for the people of the world so far everything is going according to the New World Order Plan. But what is this New World Order Plan?
Agenda 21 is called ‘the agenda for the 21st century’ and that refers to global fascism/communism. Here is a summary of what Agenda 21 includes: ‘Sustainable’ development – don’t use more than can be replaced – sounds sensible enough at first, until is realized what this and ‘biodiversity’ really mean in the context of the conspiracy. As, ‘Sustainable Development’ and ‘Biodiversity’ is seeking to impose:
- Termination of national sovereignty
- State planning and management of all land resources, ecosystems, deserts, forest, mountains, oceans, and fresh water; agriculture; rural development; biotechnology; and ensuring ‘equality’ – equal enslavement
- State define the role of business, and financial resources
- Abolition of private property – as it is not ‘sustainable’
- ‘Restructuring’ the family unit
- Children raised by the State
- Telling people what their job will be and where to live
- Major restrictions on movements
- Creation of ‘human settlement zones’
- Mass resettlement as people are forced to vacate their land; homes, where they currently live
- Dumbing down education – achieved
- Mass global depopulation in pursuit of the above.
Agenda 21 termed already over two hundred years ago – indicates the completion phase during this century. The secret plan of the New World Order is to reduce the world’s population to a “sustainable” level “in perpetual balance with nature” by a ruthless Population Control Agenda via Population and Reproduction Control. A Mass Culling of the People via Planned Parenthood, toxic adulteration of water and food supplies, release of weaponised man-made viruses – like AIDS, EBOLA, etc. – man-made pandemics, mass vaccination campaigns and a planned Third World War.
Then, Agenda 21 will impose upon the drastically reduced world population a global feudal-fascist state with ‘one’ World Government, World Religion, World Army, World Central Bank, World Currency and a micro-chipped population. – In short, they will kill 90% of the world’s population in order to control all aspects of the human condition and thus rule everyone, everywhere from the cradle to the grave.
The world of Agenda 21:
This is the world of Agenda 21. People would exist, not live, in cashless poverty under Agenda 21 while the few that controlled them live in unimaginable high-tech luxury on for example Greek islands, obtained on the cheap. Children would be owned by the state and brought up in the way that Aldous Huxley foresaw from his inside knowledge in Brave New World.
They would be technological bred in genetic caste systems and the idea of biological parents would be a page of the past – symbolically – that is, because history would be deleted.
They would be technological bred in genetic caste systems and the idea of biological parents would be a page of the past – symbolically – that is, because history would be deleted.
Parents, were the father and mother… These are unpleasant facts, as I know it. But then most historical facts are unpleasant… In those days… children were brought up by their parents and not in State Conditioning Centres. Wrote Huxley.
Huxley described how these State Conditioning Centres programmed children to accept whatever the State decreed and anyone not conforming 
would be electroshocked until they did. He described babies crawling towards pictures of flowers and birds only to be shocked because the State didn’t want them to like nature. Children in Brave New World are also brainwashed even when they sleep with subliminal messages. Huxley said that eventually the child’s mind becomes, through psychological suggestions, the State ‘s mind, or, ‘Suggestions” from the ‘State’.
How many people are like that today?
The constant erosion of parental rights to make decisions about their children, are the stepping-stones to the world that Huxley describes and Agenda 21 demands.
As a transition to children being produced technologically by the state, parents would require state permission to have children according to strict genetic criteria. There would be no cars in this Archon world and the only transport would be local rail transit systems connecting homes and work places and high-speed trains between mega-regions.
The constant erosion of parental rights to make decisions about their children, are the stepping-stones to the world that Huxley describes and Agenda 21 demands.
As a transition to children being produced technologically by the state, parents would require state permission to have children according to strict genetic criteria. There would be no cars in this Archon world and the only transport would be local rail transit systems connecting homes and work places and high-speed trains between mega-regions.
People need permission to travel on the latter and even then they would be sitting in carriages amid wireless mind control fields and watched by the uniformed thugs of the State. People would work where they are told to work with no choice. The word ‘choice’ would be deleted from the vocabulary along with others like freedom, just as Orwell envisaged from his inside knowledge.
Robotic humans:
There is a massive attempt to program people to make them easier to control, and to bring an end to any vestige of the spiritual, religious, conscious human. The so-called ‘post-human race’ is being developed as slaves in the world of Agenda 21. 
The Archons want a ‘machine controlled’ world, to be merged with technology into ‘robotic humanity’, creating sub-human robots with no compassion, empathy, or ability for free thought. The idea is to produce a robot military that will always follow orders and be part human and completely technological. Contracts are already awarded for robots that could search and detain ‘uncooperative people’. Watch this short video to understand what is meant, and how far development has come.
Among preparations everyone must make is getting out of electronic currency and into precious metals. Adding silver and gold to your private safe depot is the only way to ensure that your currency will be accepted following the collapse.
It starts with the surrender of national sovereignty of all nations, already fact for the EU-nations, which will culminate in the one-world government, with by the IMF issued world currency that devalues existing fiat currencies with up to 90%.
– Imagine that you have to pay ten times more for everything, instead of €2 now, then €20 for a bread. Your € 200,000 mortgage would become a 2 million euro mortgage!
– Imagine that you have to pay ten times more for everything, instead of €2 now, then €20 for a bread. Your € 200,000 mortgage would become a 2 million euro mortgage!
Because of the publicity over the Internet, the cabal must speed up this process, as the monetary system is completely failing too, and consequently runs out of their control.
It virtually means the push of the human population into giant “megacities” under arguments to allow nature to recapture much of what has already been settled by humanity.
These factually is a blueprint for the transformation of global society and takes away people’s freedom
It virtually means the push of the human population into giant “megacities” under arguments to allow nature to recapture much of what has already been settled by humanity.
These factually is a blueprint for the transformation of global society and takes away people’s freedom
Agenda 21 - Getting High-Speed Rail On Track— Graviola Finland (@GraviolaDOTfi) 28. huhtikuuta 2019
For California, high speed rail isn’t just a worthwhile investment, it’s a necessary one. Here’s how we can pay for it.
The 11 Emerging Mega-Regions Of The United States
November 24, 2017
PROOF CALIFORNIA ATTACKED BY CROWN CABAL, HAARP, DEW— Graviola Finland (@GraviolaDOTfi) 18. huhtikuuta 2019
The globalists want to use “sustainable development” as an excuse to micromanage the lives of every man, woman and child on the entire globe.
We are told that individual liberty and freedom are “dangerous” because when everyone just runs around doing whatever they want it is “bad for the planet”.
For example, one of the goals of the sustainable development crowd is to push the human population into giant “megacities” and to allow nature to recapture much of what has already been settled by humanity.
The following map that comes from America 2050 is one example of what they want to do. A recent piece by Dave Hodges alerted me to this map, and it shows what the United States may look like in a few decades if the globalists have their way…
Proof CA Fires Started by HAARP Matches! Insane! | Alternative— Graviola Finland (@GraviolaDOTfi) 18. huhtikuuta 2019
Tweet this information to Trump and tell him to stop the deep state from killing us by fire! Take away their toys!
Now it is of the highest importance to choose either way:
Or otherwise accept a premature death, or indefinite enslavement.
To underline the urgency, the Pope announced at the UN the definite implementation of Agenda 21 for an orderly transition of the surrender of national sovereignty of all nations, which will culminate in the one-world government, with IMF issued world currency that devalues existing fiat currencies with up to 90%.
Anti-Agenda 21 activists
Gary Gileno is one of the premiere anti-Agenda 21 activists in the United States. His mission is to expose this horrendous, anti-human agenda and shine a very public light on any politician who supports these genocidal UN-NWO plans. Gary showcases his work with multiple video reports daily, on his excellent You Tube channel grindall61.
Jim Condit & Daryl Bradford Smith, August 24, 2010. RESTRICTED by YouTube.
BLOCKED in Europe by YouTube.
Jim Condit & Daryl Bradford Smith, August 24, 2010. RESTRICTED by YouTube.
BLOCKED in Europe by YouTube.
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