Promoters say it reflects the “unfinished nature of Europe”. However, some research on the subject reveals the dark and deep symbolism of the building. Exposing the real source of inspiration behind the Louise Weiss building is exposing the esoteric beliefs of the world elite, their dark aspirations and their interpretation of ancient scriptures.
We’ll go straight to the point: the Louise Weiss building is meant to look like painting “The Tower of Babel” by Pieter Brueghel the Elder in 1563. Story says that the Tower of Babel was never completed.
So, the UN Parliament is basically continuing the unfinished work of Nimrod, the infamous tyrant, who was building the Tower of Babel to defy God.
Do you think this is a good source of inspiration for a “democratic institution”?
The Story of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel
The story of Nimrod and the building of the Tower of Babel is found in many ancient manuscripts from various cultures around the world. Genesis 11 in the King James Bible starts off right after the end of the flood of Noah, and lets us know that:
“And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.” Genesis 11:1 (KJV)
The bible tells us that there was worldwide unity and harmony, a good thing, right? Wrong.
No sooner is the whole world together then they immediately plan to overthrow God and “build a tower to Heaven”. That’s the result of bringing in World Peace without the King of Peace, Jesus Christ. We all know the story, the build the tower, make some pretty good progress right up until the moment where God confounds their speech with a multiplicity of previously unknown languages., and they are scattered. It looks like the modern-day European Union is headed for the exact same fate.
The official motto of the EU Parliament is this: “Europe – Many Tongues One Voice”. Now, add to their motto that their official headquarters is an updated version of the biblical Tower of Babel and I think you begin to see not only motive but intent as well.
Symbolism of the EU Parliament
The construction of the EU Parliament in the image of the Tower of Babel sends the message that Nimrod had the right philosophy and his Tower of Babel was a good idea.
What we can expect to see from the EU on this path:
- A gradual introduction of tyranny
- The elimination of the worship of God to introduce dependence on power
- All people speaking the same language and the same religion
- Rejecting God while trying to become gods
You know what? Those are major precepts of the esoteric beliefs of the world elite. Their belief system is based on the Mystery Religions (pagan rituals, worship of the Sun, considering Lucifer as the one who gave light to the human race, seeing God as a force wanting to keep humans in the dark).
Their New World Order will have evacuated all worship of God, introduced a single language and changed democracy to tyranny.

In the poster we see the people of Europe rebuilding the Tower of Babel, only it’s not the ancient Tower of Babel but a very modern-day counterpart, the Louise Weiss building. It reminds me of the movie Jurassic Park where they use DNA samples to recreate the ancient dinosaurs only to find themselves as the prey of those same animals. Amazing how history repeats itself and how bible prophecy is always correct. Every time.
Here’s some points to note:
Point #1: We have a confirmation that the Louise Weiss building was truly inspired by the Tower of Babel. The poster recreated the exact tower on Pieter Brueghel’s painting, even making sure to include the broken part of the foundation. There is NO question there.
Point #2: The slogan: “Europe: Many Tongues One Voice” refers to God confusing the people with many languages. Lessons learned since Genesis 11? Zero.
Point #3: Look closely at the stars at the top. Do they look strange? They are upside down aka reversed pentagrams. The symbolism behind pentagrams is extremely deep and complex but we can say that a regular pentagram refers to “Good Ruling” and a reverse pentagram refers to “Evil Ruling”.
This poster has been banned due to protests by numerous groups. It is however extremely revealing and proves the esoteric mindset of the builders of the European Union’s Parliament.
In Conclusion:
- The European Union is a superstate that currently includes 28 countries (more in the future).
- The same fate awaits American and Asian countries, who are bound to unite under the same flag and currency to create other superstates. Those are the building blocks towards a Single World Government, a goal actively sought by the world elite.
- The EU Parliament Building is the first monument representing a superstate and reveals, through its intense symbolism, hatred of religion, plans for a New World Order and their subtle endorsement of tyranny.
Are you as convinced of the demonic powers at work here as I am?
With this new information in hand, the Alexis Tsipras piece now is even more intriguing, wouldn’t you say?
Portions of this story were taken from
Jacky Hénin
Aerial view on the European Parliament building Louise Weiss in Strasbourg“The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’” proves that the key architects of the European Union were recruited from among the same technocrats who had previously designed the plans for a post-WWII Europe under the control of the Nazis.

First published in 2010 and containing copies of previously unpublished historical documents sourced from international archives, “The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’” proves that the key architects of the European Union were recruited from among the same technocrats who had previously designed the plans for a post-WWII Europe under the control of the Nazis. By revealing how the undemocratic nature of the European Union bears a notable resemblance to the intended post-war plans of the Nazis for a “total European economic area,” the shocking information contained in this book essentially marks the beginning of the end for the so-called “EU Project.” As such, mindful that the Europe of today is now teetering on the brink of economic collapse, the authors conclude by showing how the building of a new Europe – designed for the people and by the people – could lead to a world of health, peace and social justice becoming a reality.

Roomalaiskirje 1
Ihmisten syyllisyys
| 18 Jumalan viha ilmestyy taivaasta ja kohdistuu kaikkeen jumalattomuuteen ja vääryyteen, jota ihmiset tekevät pitäessään totuutta vääryyden vallassa. [Ef. 5:6; Kol. 3:6] | 19 Sen, mitä Jumalasta voidaan tietää, he kyllä voivat nähdä. Onhan Jumala ilmaissut sen heille. [Ap. t. 14:17, Ap. t. 17:27] | 20 Hänen näkymättömät ominaisuutensa, hänen ikuinen voimansa ja jumaluutensa, ovat maailman luomisesta asti olleet nähtävissä ja havaittavissa hänen teoissaan. Sen vuoksi he eivät voi puolustautua. [Job 12:7-10; Ps. 19:2-4; Jes. 40:21,26] | 21 Vaikka he ovat tunteneet Jumalan, he eivät ole kunnioittaneet ja kiittäneet häntä Jumalana, vaan heidän ajatuksensa ovat käyneet turhanpäiväisiksi ja heidän ymmärtämätön sydämensä on pimentynyt. [Ef. 4:17] | 22 He väittävät olevansa viisaita mutta ovat tulleet tyhmiksi, [1. Kor. 1:20] | 23 ja he ovat vaihtaneet katoamattoman Jumalan kirkkauden katoavaisten ihmisten ja lintujen, nelijalkaisten ja matelijoiden kuviin. [5. Moos. 4:15-18; Hes. 8:10] | 24 Sen vuoksi Jumala on jättänyt heidät mielihalujensa valtaan sellaiseen saastaisuuteen, että he keskinäisissä suhteissaan häpäisevät oman ruumiinsa. [Ps. 81:13; 1. Kor. 6:18; Ef. 4:19; 1. Piet. 4:3] | 25 He ovat vaihtaneet Jumalan totuuden valheeseen, he ovat kunnioittaneet ja palvelleet luotua eivätkä Luojaa -- olkoon hän ikuisesti ylistetty, aamen. | 26 Siksi Jumala on jättänyt heidät häpeällisten himojen valtaan. Naiset ovat vaihtaneet luonnollisen sukupuoliyhteyden luonnonvastaiseen, [3. Moos. 18:22,23] | 27 ja miehet ovat samoin luopuneet luonnollisesta yhteydestä naisiin ja heissä on syttynyt himo toisiaan kohtaan. Miehet ovat harhautuneet harjoittamaan keskenään säädyttömyyttä ja saavat ansaitsemansa palkan. [1. Moos. 19:5] | 28 Koska he eivät ole antaneet arvoa Jumalan tuntemiselle, on Jumala jättänyt heidät arvottomien ajatusten valtaan, tekemään sellaista mikä ei sovi. | 29 He ovat täynnä kaikenlaista vääryyttä, halpamaisuutta, ahneutta ja pahuutta, täynnä kateutta, murhanhimoa, riitaisuutta, petollisuutta ja pahansuopuutta, he panettelevat [Gal. 5:19-21; 2. Tim. 3:2-5 : Tit. 3:3] | 30 ja parjaavat, vihaavat Jumalaa, ovat röyhkeitä ja pöyhkeitä, rehenteleviä ja pahanilkisiä, vanhemmilleen tottelemattomia, | 31 ymmärtämättömiä ja epäluotettavia, rakkaudettomia ja säälimättömiä. | 32 Vaikka he tietävät Jumalan säätäneen, että ne, jotka käyttäytyvät tällä tavoin, ovat ansainneet kuoleman, he toimivat itse näin, vieläpä osoittavat hyväksymistään, kun muut tekevät samoin. [3. Moos. 20:13,16; Room. 6:21 | Ps. 50:18] | |
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