Graviola Caps ja -lehtijauhe
Oka-annoona (Annona muricata) on annoonien (Annona) sukuun kuuluva ikivihreä puu.
Se kasvaa trooppisilla alueilla ja sitä viljellään suurten, makeiden hedelmiensä vuoksi. Hedelmää kutsutaan suomeksi paitsi suvun yleisnimityksellä annoona, myös nimillä guanabana ja graviola, jolla nimellä portugalilaiset ja espanjalaiset tutkimusmatkailijat sitä aluperin kutsuivat.
Graviolan kypsiä hedelmiä syödään nykyään joko sellaisenaan, siivilöitynä mehuksi tai osana jälkiruokia, esim. jäätelön valmistukseen. Joissakin maissa kuten Filippiineillä sen raakoja hedelmiä käytetään myös vihanneksina tai Etelä-Amerikassa edistämään suolen toimintaa ja häätämään suolistoloisia.
Graviolan hedelmiä, siemeniä, kuorta, lehtiä ja juurta on Keski- ja Etelä-Amerikan sekä Karibian kansojen keskuudessa jo vuosisatojen ajan käytetty myös perinteisinä luonnonrohtoina saatujen kokemusten ja monipuolisiksi havaittujen vaikutustensa vuoksi.

Paitsi hedelmiä, myös sen siemeniä, varsia ja lehtiä on perinteisesti käytetty kansanlääkinnässä mitä erilaisemmissa terveysongelmissa ja erilaisempiin tarkoituksiin.
Parhaiten Graviolan käyttö tunnetaankin Etelä-Amerikassa, jossa sen kuoresta, juurista ja lehdistä on valmistettu teetä erilaisten vaivojen hoitoon.
Perun Andien alkuperäiskansojen tiedetään käyttävän graviolan lehtiteetä lisäämään limakalvojen liman eritystä ja rauhoittamaan niitä. Joissakin Perun osissa diabeetikot käyttävät sekä kuorta että lehtiä tasaamaan veren sokeria. Guyanassa lehtiteetä käytetään lähinnä elinvoimaa parantavana ja virkistävänä juomana, Braziliassa maksan toimintaa edistämään sekä Länsi-Intian saarilla puolestaan helpottamaan yskää ja avaamaan hengitystä.
Nykyisin myös tutkijat ovat kiinnostuneet graviolan perinteisestä käytössä ja sen mahdollisista vaikutuksista jopa joidenkin vakavien sairauksen hoidossa. Perinteinen käyttö.
Mm. New Yorkissa sijaitsevassa maailmankuulussa syövän tutkimuskeskuksessa
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Centerissä tehdyissä tutkimuksissa
on havaittu Graviolalla olevan vaikutusta viruksiin, parasiitteihin sekä reumaan.
Jotkut pitävät Graviolaa myös sytotoksina kasvina, vaikka vaikutuksesta ei ole riittävää tieteellistä näyttöä.
Toistaiseksi tiedeyhteisö ei kuitenkaan ole täysin yksimielinen kliinisten tutkimusten tuloksista eikä graviolan mahdollisista erilaisia syöpiä torjuvasta vaikutuksesta, vaikka in vitro saadut tulokset ovat rohkaisevia.
Customer Reviews
graviola capsules
67 peope found the following review helpful
Posted by Reviewer2878939 on Jun 28, 2008
My mother was diagnosed two years ago with breast cancer and she had surgery. The doctors showed from the biopsy that she still had some cancer on her cells and the only way to remove or control the rest of the cancer was with chemo. I read an article about graviola and decided to give it to her. She did not have the chemo or any other tratment. She has been taken it for two years and up to this date, no cancer was detected again. The quality of the product is excellent. I will continue buying it for as long as she stays in this world because she will not stop taking it. My mother is 82 years old.
40 peope found the following review helpful
Posted by Reviewer3254448 on Jul 11, 2008
I've used several bottles of Graviola in the past couple of years. During the use of one bottle of Grav, I'd gotten rather sick and spent a couple of days in bed...afterwards, my neighbor, who used to do iridology came over and said "I have never seen your eyes as clear as they are right now. You just went through a Healing Crisis, and whatever you got rid of...was going to be deadly to you down the road." I BELIEVE Graviola did that for me. I still use it occasionally as a maintainance. Also, taking it with Activated Charcoal at nite, so whatever toxins/dis-ease are being eliminated, have something to bind to. I've recommended this product to many people.
Health Matters
37 peope found the following review helpful
Posted by Reviewer3207634 on Jun 14, 2009
Great stuff. Gets the sludge out of your system. Anything that seems to be bad for you, is exited from your body. Not in a bad explosive way. You do have more energy, naturally, not jittery. Sleep came easier. And after a 6months of taking them, I definitely feel much better. You do need to go off the dose for at least 1 week a month. And no coenzyme 10 while taking these. I am taking these due to having been diagnosed with cancer, and I have read that it helps with prevention or decreasing of abnormal cells. My last test showed, that was the case. Better to take this then deal with the side effects of other organ damage from Chemo/radi. But to each his own on that matter.
Pleasantly Surprised!
37 peope found the following review helpful

Posted by Reviewer1896379 on Jun 15, 2010
I had read the reviews about this product and thought it sounded wonderful as an anticancer preventative, but I thought I'd get it for the immunity benefits. After using it I realized I felt a wonderful sense of well-being. I had menopause issues and the anxiety/stress was horrible. My doctor recommended using an blood pressure would sky rocket twice a month(due to phantom periods/ovulation) and I was feeling like I was looking up only to see the bottom of the barrel. I finally realized the only thing I'd been taking differently was the graviola. Reading the bottle it said "mood enhancer". It should have said "life saver for women in menopause". The difference was like day and night. I feel like I'm alive. I've never had anything...and I mean anything work like this. I've tried herbal products for depression, progesterone cream, and other products but nothing has worked for me as well as this. It has been amazing. :>)
Praise for Graviola!
25 peope found the following review helpful
Posted by Reviewer1468657 on Jul 17, 2008
Got graviola for a friend with tumors in her brain, chest and arm, and she called me after taking the graviola for nearly 3 weeks, she has not had a headache in 2 weeks! She is thrilled and will continue to take it.
Helped my perimenopausal bleeding
25 peope found the following review helpful
Posted by Reviewer1194625 on Mar 15, 2010
I am 42 years-old and have had a problem with excessive bleeding for 2 years. My gynecologist ordered everything from birth control pills to a D&C. Nothing worked! I tried Shepherd's Purse, Vitex, and DIM. These didn't work for long. The bleeding always returned within a few days. I added 2 caps of Graviola and 1 cap of Indole-3-Carbinol daily. I have been on these for almost a month and, I am happy to report there has been NO vaginal bleeding. What a blessing!
Cancer Cure!
19 peope found the following review helpful

Posted by Reviewer2541114 on Sep 19, 2011
Used (along with Lactoferrin and usual panel of metabolic/immuno-supplements)to force a hopeless case of Stage 3 Papillary Serous Uterine Cancer into total remission for my 80-year-olid Mom!!! Good for nearly all solid-body-tumor cancers.... Also good for anti-bacteria/virus/fungus inflammations and infections... has kept my nasty tooth abscess under control for over 3 years now... no pain of serious flare-ups... until I can get enough money together for a root-canal!!
Excellent value - reputable company
17 peope found the following review helpful

Posted by patehosplace on Mar 25, 2008
The NOW brand is a favorite item at my local Health food store and I have had great results with all their products. Decided to check online for Graviola sources because the store was charging more than I thought it should be. Saw in results page and found that they house a huge inventory of many name brands! Most importantly the brand that I trust at a price far less than I pay at the store. I ordered 10 bottles because I read multiple sources that report it kills cancer cells as well and at this price I can afford to give to family members! I have been using for a week now and DEFINITELY feel the difference in my mood, way better results than 5-HTP for the blues! The best part of ordering at iherb is not only their excellent sales/every day prices, but the speed of delivery! Very impressed! I just ordered more and will be in the future for all my herb/extract needs.
15 peope found the following review helpful

Posted by Reviewer1450597 on Jun 22, 2008
I've been taking Graviola for several months with great results. My skin is healthier, as is my digestive system. I had been plagued with boils for many years and they are almost completely gone now. I plan to take this herb periodically from now on in order to cleanse my system.
Innesah, London, England, UK.
14 peope found the following review helpful

Posted by Reviewer3137975 on Mar 03, 2009
Have tried most of the Graviola brands with good results in our dads terminal cancer, things seem to be turning around , we are praying, This graviola is one of the cheapest at Iherb but it is good quality and works just fine and if you are a bit short of funds you could get some of this one and a bit of the more expensive one . But found this one to be fine , often purchase Now foods products and find them to be good quality and value for money.