keskiviikko 5. helmikuuta 2025

Trump says US will Take Over - Stealing Gaza Strip

 Trump says US will Take Over Gaza Strip 

Trump & Netanyahu's Press Conference: They Address The Stealing of Gaza From The Palestinians... For Their Own Good Of Course

Trump & Netanyahu's Press Conference: They Address The Stealing of Gaza From The Palestinians... For Their Own Good Of Course | 4-Feb-2025

Trump & Netanyahu's Press Conference: They address the stealing of Gaza from the Palestinians...For their own good of course

Trump is completely dismissing the 2 state solution that the EU is committed to, as was the US until a week ago when Trump started saying the Palestinians wouldn't be allowed to return to Gaza because it's just too dangerous. All of that oil & natural gas under northern Gaza apparently poses a special danger.

Give me a Fucking break!

Trump is saying that it is the Palestinian's fault that Gaza was leveled. He kept talking about all of the death & destruction in Gaza and how it can't continue, but not once did he mention that the War Criminal at the podium next to him was responsible for most of it. It was bizarre. It was also bizarre that no one in the press corp brought it up either, showing that our controlled media is fine with this theft.

Trump said the Palestinians won't be allowed to return, even though the Israelis have stolen everything else but the West Bank, and Trump just lifted sanctions against the settlers there and are now increasing their hostilities against the Palestinians in the West Bank which will no doubt soon be annexed.

I said that would happen over a year ago. This is a disgusting display of hubris & ego mixed with whatever drug cocktail Trump is taking. I can't say I'm surprised, but to me, this diminishes many of the good things he's done. What's next, outlaw criticism of this theft? That wouldn't surprise me.

If Egypt's el-Sisi, a Morrocan Jew, takes them in he will be deposed & likely strung up, as he's very unpopular as it is. Jordan simply has nowhere to put them & the population there is as anti-Israel as ever.

The Egyptians & Jordanians must know that "The Greater Israel Project" calls for stealing more land from both of their countries. Trump kept saying it's just not working, there's too much violence. Well no shit, it's because Israel keeps stealing Arab land bulldozing houses & villages & murdering their people.

Trump said recently that he isn't a Christian, so why is he so enthusiastic about helping Israel if he's not Jewish? Who is Trump doing this for, recent polls show support for Israel in the US is at its lowest level in history.

The 2000 lb bombs Trump agreed to send Israel are to level Gaza so Bibi's architects & planners can get going on the new Israeli resorts & Beach houses they are anxious to build.

All of this is AOK in America because American Christians have been propagandized from birth to support Israel and fooled into thinking that these imposters who occupied this land through brutality and murder are somehow anointed by God.

Studies by Jewish scientists have shown that the only real Semites in the region & likely relatives of Jesus are the Palestinians. The first Prime Minister of Israel, war criminal David Ben Gurion acknowledged that the Palestinians were the rightful owners of Israel. See:

Science Proves the World’s “Jews” are Not the Seed of Abraham but are the “Synagogue of Satan”- By Texe Marrs

*DNA Unearths Stunning Secret: Jews are Khazars

“I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan”

David Ben Gurion was also thought by many to be involved in planning JFK's assassination with LBJ because JFK was blocking Israel's pursuit of nuclear weapons & insisted on inspecting their Dimona facility. See this:

Longtime head of CIA Counterintelligence Jesse Angleton was involved in JFK & RFK's assassination.

"Angleton’s work as CIA liaison with Israel in any way connected? Angleton had been Mossad’s indispensable ally in John Kennedy’s assassination. So he had personal reasons to cooperate with them again in stopping Robert Kennedy from reaching the White House"

People forget that Gaza began as a refugee encampment where the Palestinians fled after the Nakba & were cornered by Israel & trapped when Egypt closed its border. They have been prisoners since. Trump does not blame the godless Israelis for any of it.

See the image of The Greater Israel Project" and the ever-changing boundaries of Israel. There is much more land they are planning to steal. The Arabs may soon say enough.

Don't hold your breath waiting for Trump to give us the truth about 911 since Israel was behind that too. See this:

*9/11: The Official Narrative Is Dying

“Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified!

I can not tell you about evidence that’s been gathered,
it’s classified information.”

— US official quoted in Carl Cameron’s report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 911.

Dr. Alan Sabrosky, a Jew, was the Director of Studies at the Army War College in DC on 9-11-2001 and he says he is 100% certain that Israel was behind the 9/11 attacks.

"Our controllers do the most damage to us when we are distracted and misinformed! Weak minds following an evil agenda have been a disaster for our country and have brought us where we are today"


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