COVID Vaccine Trials In Animals Were Stopped Because They Kept Dying, Revealed In Texas Senate Hearing
It was revealed recently during the Texas Senate Committee hearing that COVID-19 vaccine trials in animals were stopped because they kept dying.

This past week the Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs took testimony from Texas physicians regarding mandatory vaccination and Vaccine Passports in Texas – the Senate Bill SB 1669: Stop Forced Vaccination and Vaccine Passports in Texas.
A shocking revelation was made during the course of the senate hearing that animal testing of COVID-19 vaccines were stopped because they kept dying.
Here is what was revealed during the hearing on May 6, 2021.
Did you see any other vaccine that was put out for the public that skipped the animal tests?
Never before. Especially for children.
And as what I’ve read, they actually started the animal tests and because the animals were dying, they stopped the tests.
Folks, I think that’s important to understand there that what we’re talking about is American people are now the guinea pigs. This is the test program, thats going on.
They didn’t do the human testing and they stopped the animal test because the animals were dying. And then they turned it out for the pubic.
And we’re now looking at businesses that want to mandate that this experimental vaccine be given to people as a condition of their employment.
Most of us have heard about ‘Vaccine Passports’ only after the pandemic, when different governments started emphasizing the requirement of ‘Vaccine Passports’ for travelling to other countries or even for going to public places.
However, the planning for executing the concept of ‘Vaccine Passports’ began 20 months prior to the outbreak of the pandemic. What these roadmap talk about is not just some document that would restrict your entry or movement to certain places.
What they envision is an entire COVID eco-system, a future where each and every aspect of your life is monitored and regulated as per the whims and fancy of these Pharma Overlords.
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Of course the animals kept dying! All of this was planned by the Genocidal Globalists.
Look at Bill Gates’ motive: Precept One of the Georgia Guidestones, mandating that no more than 500 million people may live on Planet Earth. This cultic addiction of Gates gives him license to murder 7 billion remaining on this planet.
What astonishes me is the method by which the Genocidal Globalists and Eugenicists and Depopulation Proponents have created a demand for the Messenger RNA spike protein cytokine storm injection for which THERE IS NO CURE and will kill you. Do you get the irony of this? Causing people to demand a jab that will kill them! The Messenger RNA also contains PRIONS, the equivalent of Mad Cow Disease in humans.
Messenger RNA contains lipid nanoparticles protected by a lipisome that makes Messenger RNA last — and they replicate, and as they do so and spread this form of MITOCHONDRIAL CANCER where over time, every spike protein uses up all of the oxygen in your lungs, heart, and brain, UNTIL YOU DIE! Some victims of inoculation die within days, but the data behind this Experimental Emergency Use Authorization WITHOUT ANY INFORMED CONSENT, making it a violation of the Nuremberg Code, WILL RESULT IN THE DEATH OF EVERYONE INJECTED WITHIN 10 YEARS, although within 5 years, 80% will be dead.
Have you heard about the two lab rats who were asked if they wanted to be tested with the COVID “vaccine”
One rat said to the other, “Hell, no! I don’t want to be tested — they haven’t even finished testing the “vaccine” on humans!”
The fact is, even though Demonic Fauci wants the injection to be given to everyone, no clinical trials have ever been done on pregnant women. Many who took the jab have suffered spontaneous abortions. The fact is that NO CLINICAL TRIALS HAVE EVER BEEN COMPLETED ON ANYONE except ferrets, and as we know, all of the ferrets died!
We are next.