tiistai 21. toukokuuta 2019

Reliable allies in the European Parliament (2014 – 2019)

  • Finnish MEPs in criminal George Soros' Servitude.
  • George Soros’ NGOs exposed manipulating EU elections in 2,500 document hack from DC Leaks.
  • SorosLeak NGOs exposed manipulating elections in all EU member states - VIDEO


Reliable allies in the European Parliament (2014 – 2019)

Introduction A.

Purpose This mapping provides the Open Society European Policy Institute and the Open Society network intelligence on Members of the 8th European Parliament likely to support Open Society values during the 2014–2019 legislature.

It spans 11 committees and 26 delegations, as well as the European Parliament’s highest decisionmaking bodies: 226 MEPs who are proven or likely Open Society allies.
The presence of an MEP in this mapping indicates that they are likely to support Open Society’s work.
They should be approached with an open mind: although they will most likely want to work on areas they’re already interested in, they could also welcome hearing about new issues.
Beyond discussing individual topics, Open Society should seek to build lasting and trustworthy relationships with these European lawmakers. 
Using this document 

Section B. 
European Parliament bodies lists the official bodies of the European Parliament, their fields of competence, and the potential Open Society allies taking part in their work. They also include the names of political advisers* helping MEPs in committees, although these may change during the legislature, and they may not be Open Society allies themselves. 

Section C. 
Members lists 226 Members’ individual profiles. They provide information on Members’ parliamentary affiliations (country, political group, nature of their mandate, and the committees and delegations they belong to); their background (professional history, parliamentary interests, and other relevant intelligence); and their contact details. 

Finally, section D. 
Indexes provides three additional ways to find relevant Members: by issue of interest, by political group, and alphabetically.Profiles 
Individual profiles were compiled using both publicly available information and original research. Judgments made therein may be subjective, and should serve to give a sense of a Member’s politics and priorities; it shouldn’t be seen as a definitive guide to an individual Member. 

Committees and delegations in bold (e.g. ‘AFET’, or ‘Ukraine’) indicate an MEP is a full member, and will likely dedicate more time to these topics. Those indicated in a regular font (e.g. ‘AFET’, or ‘Ukraine’) indicate an MEP is a substitute member. 
Note that profiles only list committees and delegations covered by this mapping, and will not feature others. These can be discovered on MEPs’ online profiles (see below).

By July 2019, some Members will leave the European Parliament for other mandates; others will replace them; some will change committees or delegations; special committees may be set up; and importantly, MEPs—particularly newcomers—may shift their priorities to other areas, or change their views. 

The information contained in these profiles is correct as of September 2014. Up-to-date and accurate information, including assistants’ names, is available on MEPs’ online profiles: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/meps
Individual profiles were compiled using both publicly available information and original research. Judgments made therein may be subjective, and should serve to give a sense of a Member’s politics and priorities; it shouldn’t be seen as a definitive guide to an individual Member. Committees and delegations in bold (e.g. ‘AFET’, or ‘Ukraine’) indicate an MEP is a full member, and will likely dedicate more time to these topics. Those indicated in a regular font (e.g. ‘AFET’, or ‘Ukraine’) indicate an MEP is a substitute member. 

Note that profiles only list committees and delegations covered by this mapping, and will not feature others. These can be discovered on MEPs’ online profiles (see below).

By July 2019, some Members will leave the European Parliament for other mandates; others will replace them; some will change committees or delegations; special committees may be set up; and importantly, MEPs—particularly newcomers—may shift their priorities to other areas, or change their views.
The information contained in these profiles is correct as of September 2014. Up-to-date and accurate information, including assistants’ names, is available on MEPs’ online profiles: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/meps

List of abbreviations

  • ECHR The European Court of Human Rights
  • ISDS Investor-state dispute settlement, a mechanism potentially included in TTIP
  • OSCE Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
  • PACE Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
  • TTIP Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, likely to be intensely discussed during the 8th legislature


D. Members





#SorosLeak NGOs exposed manipulating elections in all EU member states.


George Soros’ NGOs exposed manipulating EU elections in 2,500 document hack from DC Leaks

More of the Soros EU election documents in the slider below…

More of the Soros EU election documents in the slider below…


The original source deleted



His Master's Voice: Swedish MEPs in Soros' Servitude

Swedish politicians, who are known for their penchant for multiculturalism and diversity, have been found to be the most loyal allies of Hungarian-American business magnate George Soros who chairs the Open Society Foundation, leaked documents reveal.
The Open Society Foundation was found to have hired a consulting firm to evaluate members of the European Parliament and assess their support of the foundation's values until the end of their tenure in 2019, Swedish news outlet Fria Tider reported, referring to the leaked document.
An itemized list of European MPs indicated that Swedish politicians are by far the most loyal to George Soros' political ambitions. As many as 13 of the 20 Swedish MEPs (equivalent to 65 percent) were classified as "loyal allies."

Remarkably, the list of Swedish Soros loyalists includes representatives of parties from both ends of the political spectrum, who happen to be opponents on the home arena. Among others, Lars Adaktusson of the Christian Democrats Party, Anna Maria Corazza Bildt of the Conservative Party, Peter Ericsson of the Green Party, Fredrick Federley of the Center Party and Soraya Post of the Feminist Initiative, were pointed out as loyalists.
Ireland and Finland were placed on second and third place respectively with 54.5 and 53.8 percent of MEPs labeled as Soros loyalists.

On the opposite side of the list, Eastern European countries like the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Hungary were placed, with only 2 of 21, 1 of 11 and 1 of 21 Soros loyalists among its MEPs.

Previously, 86-year-old financier George Soros, was found to have sponsored Swedish far-left activists Expo to train leftists within the framework of the pan-European election campaign. Additionally, Swedish entrepreneur Daniel Sachs was found to receive a grant from Soros for combatting "nationalism" during the 2014 parliamentary elections. In 2014, millions of dollars were handed out to various European organizations by the Open Society in an attempt to manipulate the outcome of the elections held in Europe that year, Fria Tider earlier reported, citing the DC Leaks portal, where some 2,500 documents from the Open Society were made public.
In 1992, Soros became famous in Sweden after an extensive currency speculation affair against the Swedish krona, which subsequently triggered a mass shift of deposits to other currencies for fears of the krona's collapse. In 1998, six years thereafter, Soros was invited to Sweden. In addition to a dinner with the Royal family, a meeting with Swedish magnate Peter Wallenberg and a lecture at the School of Economics, he also held a lecture to at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).


torstaina, helmikuuta 23, 2017

Maahanmuutto terrorismina ja globalisaatio fasismina, laajennettuna kolonisaationa

Te Euroopan tuhoajat, hyväntekijät globalisaation fasismin siunaajina.
Valevasemmisto ja viheroikeisto, rkp:n valeliberaalit, kokkaridemarit, rahaeliitin juoksupojat.

Maahanmuuttoa Suomeen esitetään eettisenä projektina kun kyse on vain valheesta:
eivät nämä ole pakolaisia tai hyötymaahanmuuttoa vaan perustuslain kuvaamaa haittamaahanmuuttoa, suuri määrä jopa terroristeja nyt valtion suojamaana miesten "maahanmuuttona" CIA:n ja mossadin käskystä

Maahanmuuttajien kärsimysta esitetään nyt kosmisena näytelmänä jonka mukaan suomalaisten on määritettävä itsensä vain maahanmuuttajien kautta, mitä enemmän maahanmuuttajat valittavat, sitä enemmän suomalaisten on hävettävä ja kiellettävä suomalaisuus ja valtio-opin ehdot vakaudesta ja rauhasta. Tämä on törkeää ja suunnitelmallista Rockefeller-terroria yhteiskuntaa kohtaan, eliitin hajota ja hallitse projekti.

1800-l vasemmisto ja liberaalit nimenomaan estivät eliitin väestönsiirtoprojekteja, nyt te olette mukana siunaama imperialistisia sotia julistamalla väestönsiirrot pyhittäväksi ja puhdistavaksi toiminnaksi mutta kaikki suomalaisen väestönsiirtoa lobbaavat järjestöt ovat hiljaa eivätkä vaadi Suomea vetämään armeijaa ja armeijasta luovutettuja palkkasotilaita pois US Amerikan hyökkäyssodista eikä tuomitsemaan USA:n hyökkäyssotia.

Te samat tekopyhät olette siunaamassa venäjävihaa ja sodan sytyttämistä kun puolustatte CIA:n geopolitiikka ja sen tärkeintä asetta, väestönsiirtoa kansallisvaltioiden henkisen ja demokrattisen kehityksen tuhoamisena. Tämä on tekopyhää USA:n kolonisaatiosotien siunaamista, te ette ole humanisteja vaan sotateollisuuden sokeita ideologeja luomalla katteetonta hysteriaa turhamaisista maahanmuuttajista joista tehdään muka suomalaisen yhteiskunnan ja suomalaisen mitta. 

Islamin sovinismin ja fasistisen pappiskultin puolustaminen on kaiken irvokkuuden huippu kun toistatte Rockefellerien think tankien strategisia suunnitelmia kolonisaatio-globalisaation siunaamiseksi: te teette samalla islamista eurooppalaisuuden mitan mielipuolisuudessanne leikkiessänne hyväntekijää ilman mitään vastuuta seuraamuksista.

Te olette fasisteja siunaamassa kapitalismin ja elitismin tuhoaaltoa ja Euroopan vajoamista liittovaltion militaristiseen diktatuuriin hyväntekijän tekopyhyydellä.

Norjan pääministeri Erna Solberg varoittaa Ruotsin pakolaisjärjestelmän romahtamisen estämisen olevan ehkä jo myöhäistä. Norja on luonnostellut aloitteen poikkeuslaista.

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