Rebuild your immune system at any age

Technique), Epstein–Barr virus, Fitness, Flu, Healing, Infections, Inflammatory
The body’s first line of defence is the immune
system, which wears out as we age.
Noted integrated physician Rajendra Sharma
explains how to rebuild the wall
system, which wears out as we age.
Noted integrated physician Rajendra Sharma
explains how to rebuild the wall
Although cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the over-65s, poor function
of the immune system, leading to diseases including chest infections and pneumonia, is the
third highest cause of death (behind cancer) in 55- to 65-year-olds, and the fourth highest cause
after the age of 65. Furthermore, immune dysfunction is related to cancer and is the greatest
cause of death in people aged 45 to 64.
of the immune system, leading to diseases including chest infections and pneumonia, is the
third highest cause of death (behind cancer) in 55- to 65-year-olds, and the fourth highest cause
after the age of 65. Furthermore, immune dysfunction is related to cancer and is the greatest
cause of death in people aged 45 to 64.
We are constantly beset with flurries of press coverage regarding immune system dysfunction,
particularly during autumn and winter when our elderly population is encouraged to have inoculations
against pneumonia and influenza. Unfortunately, up to 75 per cent of the elderly actually don’t
respond to vaccination —that is, their immune systems fail to create a defensive response against
invading pathogens. What’s more, both its safety and effectiveness are poorly evidenced, particularly
in those over the age of 65.1
particularly during autumn and winter when our elderly population is encouraged to have inoculations
against pneumonia and influenza. Unfortunately, up to 75 per cent of the elderly actually don’t
respond to vaccination —that is, their immune systems fail to create a defensive response against
invading pathogens. What’s more, both its safety and effectiveness are poorly evidenced, particularly
in those over the age of 65.1
We need to keep our immunity functioning at an optimal level to maintain healthy longevity.
It is particularly important to keep the immune system functioning especially as we get older, owing
to its natural tendency to falter at that stage. If immunity fails, it doesn’t matter whether every other
part of your body is healthy. You’ll still face a rapid decline.
It is particularly important to keep the immune system functioning especially as we get older, owing
to its natural tendency to falter at that stage. If immunity fails, it doesn’t matter whether every other
part of your body is healthy. You’ll still face a rapid decline.
Most immunologists battle to keep up with advances in our understanding of the immune system,
but here’s all you really need to know: how best to maintain immune function into old age.
but here’s all you really need to know: how best to maintain immune function into old age.
How the immune system works
Innate immunity describes the body’s first-line and non-specific defence against invading organisms
and altered potentially harmful cells, such as cancerous cells.
and altered potentially harmful cells, such as cancerous cells.
The first part of the innate immune system requires intact barriers, such as the skin and the inner
membrane linings (known as epithelial layers) of the gut, lungs and upper respiratory airways
(nose, sinus, throat), and the inner lining of the bladder. The integrity of these barriers stops foreign
organisms and toxins from getting in.
membrane linings (known as epithelial layers) of the gut, lungs and upper respiratory airways
(nose, sinus, throat), and the inner lining of the bladder. The integrity of these barriers stops foreign
organisms and toxins from getting in.
These membranes produce defensive compounds that infuse the sebum (the slightly greasy
compound in our skin), sweat and mucus made by epithelial cell linings.
These defence compounds, known as immunoglobulins, are made by specialized cells—mostly
white blood cells—that sit within or close to the barrier membranes.
compound in our skin), sweat and mucus made by epithelial cell linings.
These defence compounds, known as immunoglobulins, are made by specialized cells—mostly
white blood cells—that sit within or close to the barrier membranes.
Secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) is made predominantly in the 10 m (33 ft) or so of the adult small
intestine. Its production is triggered in the newborn by colostrum, the initial breast milk.
intestine. Its production is triggered in the newborn by colostrum, the initial breast milk.
Throughout our lives, sIgA is a vital part of our innate, first-line defence mechanism.
Other components of our innate immune system include non-specific white blood cells known as
phagocytes, which move through the bloodstream and body tissues while enveloping invading
organisms and absorbing damaged and toxic cells.
Other components of our innate immune system include non-specific white blood cells known as
phagocytes, which move through the bloodstream and body tissues while enveloping invading
organisms and absorbing damaged and toxic cells.
Still other white blood cells produce chemicals that trigger inflammation, which attracts more
blood-carrying defence cells, scar-tissue-forming cells, oxygen and nutrients to aid healing in the
affected area. Inflammation is a vital part of our defence and repair process—until it becomes
excessive or turns up in the wrong place.
blood-carrying defence cells, scar-tissue-forming cells, oxygen and nutrients to aid healing in the
affected area. Inflammation is a vital part of our defence and repair process—until it becomes
excessive or turns up in the wrong place.
Many of these mechanisms defend us by recognizing and killing off cancer cells.
Adaptive immunity
By producing particular types of white blood cells (some of which produce defensive immunoglobulins),
adaptive immunity tackles specific infections and toxic materials. Adaptive immunity is also the
linchpin of our allergic response.
adaptive immunity tackles specific infections and toxic materials. Adaptive immunity is also the
linchpin of our allergic response.
Two types of white blood cells, known as T cells and B cells, are active in adaptive
immunity, but our bodies don’t go on producing white blood cells forever. As we age, the
naïve leucocytes (freshly made from bone marrow), which will become T and B cells and are
very active in our youth, become reduced in number as their production is slowed so that, over
time, we have fewer white blood cells circulating in our system.
immunity, but our bodies don’t go on producing white blood cells forever. As we age, the
naïve leucocytes (freshly made from bone marrow), which will become T and B cells and are
very active in our youth, become reduced in number as their production is slowed so that, over
time, we have fewer white blood cells circulating in our system.
B cells make immunoglobulins known as antibodies, key-like compounds that recognize specific
molecular shapes found on bacteria, viruses, other invading organisms and toxins.
These specific molecular shapes on their cell walls are called antigens. Antibodies lock into these antigens
and cause damage to the cell wall or attract other white blood cells, such as certain T cells, to envelop it.
molecular shapes found on bacteria, viruses, other invading organisms and toxins.
These specific molecular shapes on their cell walls are called antigens. Antibodies lock into these antigens
and cause damage to the cell wall or attract other white blood cells, such as certain T cells, to envelop it.
T cells, so-called because they are made in the thymus gland, are recognized by a particular cell-surface
configuration called the T-cell receptor. T cells have many different functions, including:
configuration called the T-cell receptor. T cells have many different functions, including:
• helping other parts of the immune system (helper T cells)
• attacking cancer cells directly (cytotoxic natural-killer T cells)
• regulating balance so that a defensive response to a hostile ‘invader’ is not overly aggressive
• memory-cell activity (see below).
As we go through life, we encounter increasing numbers of foreign organisms. Rather than maintaining
large armies of T and B cells, we form memory cells. These cells ‘remember’ individual antigens so that,
when we are next exposed to them, the memory cells send out chemical messengers to naïve leucocytes,
triggering them to start making antibodies.
large armies of T and B cells, we form memory cells. These cells ‘remember’ individual antigens so that,
when we are next exposed to them, the memory cells send out chemical messengers to naïve leucocytes,
triggering them to start making antibodies.
Why ageing wears down the immune system
Senescence is the term applied to aged and dysfunctional cells, and immunosenescence describes the
gradual deterioration of immune cells, which renders an ageing body less capable of fighting infection,
less able to maintain innate and adaptive immunity, and less likely to recognize and deal with damaged,
cancerous or other, non-functioning cells.
gradual deterioration of immune cells, which renders an ageing body less capable of fighting infection,
less able to maintain innate and adaptive immunity, and less likely to recognize and deal with damaged,
cancerous or other, non-functioning cells.
The epithelial wall of the bowel (part of the innate immune system) fights to keep out 100 trillion bowel
bacteria, just as the skin defends us against infection and chemical toxins, which land on us in their
thousands every day. But as barriers like the epithelial wall and the skin start to fail, our acquired,
secondary immune system becomes overloaded. The white blood cells that envelop pathogens and
altered (cancerous) cells also lose some of their control mechanisms, such that the correct production
of defence and inflammatory control agents (cytokines, or protein messengers) diminishes too.
bacteria, just as the skin defends us against infection and chemical toxins, which land on us in their
thousands every day. But as barriers like the epithelial wall and the skin start to fail, our acquired,
secondary immune system becomes overloaded. The white blood cells that envelop pathogens and
altered (cancerous) cells also lose some of their control mechanisms, such that the correct production
of defence and inflammatory control agents (cytokines, or protein messengers) diminishes too.
Throughout life, the immune system builds up memory cells and deals with scores of infections all day,
every day. As our exposure to organisms and toxins builds, we produce increasing numbers of memory
cells. This means our reserve of naïve leucocytes over time is converted to memory cells so that, eventually,
we don’t have enough left to mount an adequate T- or B-cell response to a new infection. In a sense, we
have too many generals and not enough soldiers.
every day. As our exposure to organisms and toxins builds, we produce increasing numbers of memory
cells. This means our reserve of naïve leucocytes over time is converted to memory cells so that, eventually,
we don’t have enough left to mount an adequate T- or B-cell response to a new infection. In a sense, we
have too many generals and not enough soldiers.
Eventually, there comes a point where the body’s immune ‘housekeeping’ registers a lack of response,
assumes that the white blood cells present are ineffective and breaks them down. This also includes a loss
of memory cells, so leaving us open to infections that we used to be able to deal with.
assumes that the white blood cells present are ineffective and breaks them down. This also includes a loss
of memory cells, so leaving us open to infections that we used to be able to deal with.
This is why as we age, and after having had a ‘lifelong’ immunity to, say, chickenpox, we can suddenly
develop shingles, or our long-standing defence against the viruses that cause influenza disappears,
making flu a much more dangerous infection.
develop shingles, or our long-standing defence against the viruses that cause influenza disappears,
making flu a much more dangerous infection.
Another vital aspect of ageing is our exposure to viruses that are generally not dangerous, but that insinuate
themselves into cells—which means they remain hidden from the immune system. These viruses are not
particularly aggressive, but lie there dormant, kept to a low replication rate by our intracellular defences.
themselves into cells—which means they remain hidden from the immune system. These viruses are not
particularly aggressive, but lie there dormant, kept to a low replication rate by our intracellular defences.
But as we age, these viruses can flare up, owing to the loss of intracellular defences, and overwhelm the
immune system, including our anticancer defences. The main antagonists include:
immune system, including our anticancer defences. The main antagonists include:
• herpesvirus
• cytomegalovirus (CMV)
• Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), the cause of glandular fever
• mycobacteria.
As we age, the immune system focuses too much attention on these persistent intracellular organisms
and is less able to attack new ones. Its ability to recognize new infections is also diminished because
persistent infection alters the complex mechanisms of immunity. This all serves to prevent the immune
system from functioning optimally as we age.
and is less able to attack new ones. Its ability to recognize new infections is also diminished because
persistent infection alters the complex mechanisms of immunity. This all serves to prevent the immune
system from functioning optimally as we age.
Reversing the process
All organs and systems of the body are affected either positively or negatively by lifestyle, but the immune
system in particular is rapidly and adversely affected by poor habits and nutritional deficiencies.
On the other hand, it is also positively and effectively influenced by healthy living and proper supplementation.
system in particular is rapidly and adversely affected by poor habits and nutritional deficiencies.
On the other hand, it is also positively and effectively influenced by healthy living and proper supplementation.
So, aside from avoiding environmental toxins and allergens as much as possible, there is a great deal
you can do to keep your immune system ‘young’. The amounts of minerals, antioxidants and essential fatty
acids we consume govern the health of our immune and defence systems at genetic and cellular levels
and, most particularly, the level of inflammation in the body.
you can do to keep your immune system ‘young’. The amounts of minerals, antioxidants and essential fatty
acids we consume govern the health of our immune and defence systems at genetic and cellular levels
and, most particularly, the level of inflammation in the body.
Eat in colour. Aim for a high intake of a variety of different-coloured vegetables (red, dark-green, orange, etc.).
Members of the Allium food group (onions, garlic, leeks, chives, scallions, etc.) have an effect by controlling
tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha—one of the most important inflammatory compounds made by the
body—to ensure that the activity of the immune system’s white blood cells is neither too weak nor too
strong and that they also produce appropriate levels of immunoglobulins.
Members of the Allium food group (onions, garlic, leeks, chives, scallions, etc.) have an effect by controlling
tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha—one of the most important inflammatory compounds made by the
body—to ensure that the activity of the immune system’s white blood cells is neither too weak nor too
strong and that they also produce appropriate levels of immunoglobulins.
Optimal levels of the protein interleukin (IL)-6 will ensure the correct rate and strength of inflammation and
white-cell response. IL-6 is positively influenced by intakes of fish oil, a variety of fruit and vegetables,
vitamins A and C, and zinc, and is adversely affected by large intakes of carbohydrates, especially refined
white-cell response. IL-6 is positively influenced by intakes of fish oil, a variety of fruit and vegetables,
vitamins A and C, and zinc, and is adversely affected by large intakes of carbohydrates, especially refined
Get puffed every day. By following 1,200 pairs of twins, one study has shown that those who take moderate
or higher levels of exercise for 180 min/week can have
a physical age up to nine years younger than their
actual age.2 Exercise can also help boost your immune system by:
or higher levels of exercise for 180 min/week can have
a physical age up to nine years younger than their
actual age.2 Exercise can also help boost your immune system by:
• enhancing production of T cells
• reducing excess inflammatory compounds like cytokines
• increasing phagocytic activity (white cells that engulf foreign material)
• encouraging normal natural-killer cell activity
• increasing telomere length in white blood cells (see box, above right)
• delaying the onset of immunosenescence.3
Even those without health issues, particularly heart or arterial disease, are going to gain some benefit from
exercise. I agree with the research suggesting that men aged over 40 should aim to get 30 min/day, six days
a week, of at least moderate-to-vigorous exercise (brisk walking, moderate swimming or jogging) for the
best benefits; if below that age, add 15–30 min/day to the regimen.4
exercise. I agree with the research suggesting that men aged over 40 should aim to get 30 min/day, six days
a week, of at least moderate-to-vigorous exercise (brisk walking, moderate swimming or jogging) for the
best benefits; if below that age, add 15–30 min/day to the regimen.4
Yet, an eight-year study of more than 400,000 men and women in Taiwan came up with some other
conclusions. This paper, published in one of the most prestigious of journals, suggested that low-intensity
exercise for just 15 min/day or 90 min/week could increase life expectancy by three years.5
conclusions. This paper, published in one of the most prestigious of journals, suggested that low-intensity
exercise for just 15 min/day or 90 min/week could increase life expectancy by three years.5
There seems to be less research on the optimal frequency for women and also more variation in the advice
given, but the 30-minute mark remains standard, although the frequency can be reduced to four days a week
of weight-bearing exercise (being on your feet as opposed to swimming, rowing or floor exercises) to prevent
given, but the 30-minute mark remains standard, although the frequency can be reduced to four days a week
of weight-bearing exercise (being on your feet as opposed to swimming, rowing or floor exercises) to prevent
Tests have shown that people using a treadmill need only about 10 minutes to get to the point where their
cardiopulmonary levels are at peak,6 suggesting that anything beyond that is likely to be beneficial.
cardiopulmonary levels are at peak,6 suggesting that anything beyond that is likely to be beneficial.
This means that, aerobically speaking, 20 minutes up to a point of failing—that is, you just can’t take another
step—is where the benefit lies.
step—is where the benefit lies.
Muscle-building, an important part of optimal fitness, is best kept to short bursts of eight repetitive cycles
repeated eight times, but the whole workout should be less than 45 minutes.
repeated eight times, but the whole workout should be less than 45 minutes.
After that, the body is likely to be releasing levels of cortisol, the stress-coping hormone, which actually
breaks muscle down—it’s catabolic as opposed to anabolic—and so nullifies the benefits.
breaks muscle down—it’s catabolic as opposed to anabolic—and so nullifies the benefits.
The best maintenance supplement programme
Different parts of the immune system—the skin and epithelial membranes of the body, secretions,
immunoglobulins produced by white blood cells (B-type cells) and acquired immunity, including specific
anticancer cells like natural-killer cells—are all dependent on a wide range of minerals, vitamins and other
nutrients. If you’re already healthy and wish to protect and improve your immune system, take:
immunoglobulins produced by white blood cells (B-type cells) and acquired immunity, including specific
anticancer cells like natural-killer cells—are all dependent on a wide range of minerals, vitamins and other
nutrients. If you’re already healthy and wish to protect and improve your immune system, take:
• A broad-spectrum multivitamin—choose one high in antioxidants, particularly vitamins A and C; take as
directed twice a day
directed twice a day
• A broad-spectrum multimineral—take this twice daily along with a multivitamin, as most minerals have
some part to play in immune function
some part to play in immune function
• Omega-6 and omega-3—taking these at a ratio of 4:1 seems to be the best mix for controlling inflammatory
responses although, if inflammation is already present, a practitioner might increase omega-3 levels with fish
oils such as krill oil
responses although, if inflammation is already present, a practitioner might increase omega-3 levels with fish
oils such as krill oil
• Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs)—many amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and so have
a vital role in the normal function of the immune system; BCAAs are essential for lymphocyte (white blood cell)
responsiveness, and a lack of BCAAs impairs the immune system, particularly its fight against invading
a vital role in the normal function of the immune system; BCAAs are essential for lymphocyte (white blood cell)
responsiveness, and a lack of BCAAs impairs the immune system, particularly its fight against invading
Given intravenously, BCAAs improve immunity in patients with infections and boost immunity in postsurgical
patients. Whey protein is an abundant source of BCAAs due to its levels of leucine, isoleucine and valine,
and can be taken in cases of poor healing. Add it to smoothies daily.
patients. Whey protein is an abundant source of BCAAs due to its levels of leucine, isoleucine and valine,
and can be taken in cases of poor healing. Add it to smoothies daily.
Dr Sharma’s advanced programme
For those with immune-system dysfunction or a susceptibility to infection, or those who are over age 65,
consider the addition of the following supplements after a discussion with your healthcare provider.
consider the addition of the following supplements after a discussion with your healthcare provider.
Nutrients in the maintenance programme (see above) plus the following nutrients should all be taken
twice daily, and they all have a direct effect on white blood cells.
twice daily, and they all have a direct effect on white blood cells.
Nutrients influencing TNF-alpha
• N-acetyl cysteine
• Green tea, as a drink or capsules
• Probiotics, to maintain gut flora levels and benefits (they also support sIgA and bowel epithelial integrity)
• l-Carnitine
• Glutamine/glutamate
• Purified thymus extracts.
Nutrients influencing IL-6 inflammatory activity
• Ginseng
• Oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs), powerful antioxidants found in pine bark and grape seed extracts
• Coenzyme Q10.
Immune-boosting meditation
Meditation has been shown to influence the immune system in a variety of ways. The evidence shows that
the innate immune system responds to meditation practices that foster compassion.1 What’s more, many
papers cite the benefits of meditation on white-cell responses by altering immune function through the
process of psychoneuroimmunology.2
the innate immune system responds to meditation practices that foster compassion.1 What’s more, many
papers cite the benefits of meditation on white-cell responses by altering immune function through the
process of psychoneuroimmunology.2
One important study concluded that secretory IgA increases significantly with meditation, so improving the
barrier effect of the body’s membranes.3
barrier effect of the body’s membranes.3
What are telomeres?
Telomeres prevent chromosomes from fusing together, bending or unravelling incorrectly and also stop
chromosomes and DNA from binding to each other. If abnormal patterns occur in chromosomes,
instructions to the cell go wrong and these mutations may render the cell useless or dangerous.
Cells are supposed to multiply only a certain number of times and then die off, but as we age, the cellular
pattern of cleaving off telomeres becomes compromised, thereby allowing cells to multiply with
ever-increasing mutations.
chromosomes and DNA from binding to each other. If abnormal patterns occur in chromosomes,
instructions to the cell go wrong and these mutations may render the cell useless or dangerous.
Cells are supposed to multiply only a certain number of times and then die off, but as we age, the cellular
pattern of cleaving off telomeres becomes compromised, thereby allowing cells to multiply with
ever-increasing mutations.
Telomerase is an enzyme that rebuilds telomeres, and healthy cells make a certain amount. The hTERT
gene turns telomerase activity on or off. Damage to this gene by pollutants sticking to it (adducting) stops
normal telomere repair.
gene turns telomerase activity on or off. Damage to this gene by pollutants sticking to it (adducting) stops
normal telomere repair.
Research shows that a plant extract called TA 65, from the astragalus plant (sold as a supplement online),
appears to activate telomerase and may be proven to benefit our cells by encouraging normal function of
replication in tissues.
appears to activate telomerase and may be proven to benefit our cells by encouraging normal function of
replication in tissues.
Checking the state of your immune system
However well you may feel and however up to date you are, there is a major benefit in knowing whether or
not your immune system has a genetic predisposition to weaken due to poor detoxification or a need for
higher doses of nutrients, or if you have weak anticancer or strong allergic tendencies.
not your immune system has a genetic predisposition to weaken due to poor detoxification or a need for
higher doses of nutrients, or if you have weak anticancer or strong allergic tendencies.
If you clearly have a condition related to immune deficiency, a family history of cancer below the age of 65,
are entering middle age without optimal levels of fitness and body weight or live life to excess, I recommend
specific testing for the following measures.
are entering middle age without optimal levels of fitness and body weight or live life to excess, I recommend
specific testing for the following measures.
• Nutritional status, particularly of vitamins A, C and B-complex; zinc, copper and magnesium in white blood
cells; essential fatty acids; glutathione; and iron/ferritin
cells; essential fatty acids; glutathione; and iron/ferritin
• Amino-acids, making sure that you’ve been following your usual diet for at least two weeks to see if you
are absorbing enough branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs)
are absorbing enough branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs)
• DHEA levels
• Immune activity status, by testing for herpesviruses, cytomegalovirus, Epstein–Barr virus and Chlamydia
• Comprehensive digestive stool analysis, to assess whether or not you have a good beneficial bacterial
balance and to make sure you’re not carrying parasites
balance and to make sure you’re not carrying parasites
• Full tumour immunity profiles or tests, offered by specialist laboratories and which look at
immunosenescence and anticancer immunity, T cells, memory cells and natural-killer cell function, as well
as levels of inflammation, important minerals like zinc and immune compounds like glutathione.
immunosenescence and anticancer immunity, T cells, memory cells and natural-killer cell function, as well
as levels of inflammation, important minerals like zinc and immune compounds like glutathione.
Tests in the UK:
Biolab Medical Unit
Genova Diagnostics
Tests in the US:
Genova Diagnostics
Excerpted from Live Longer Live Younger by Dr Rajendra Sharma (Watkins Publishing, 2014), available
from Amazon
from Amazon