Just as the dark forces of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and George Soros’s multi-billion dollar network of non-governmental organizations plotted to destabilize the Middle East and North Africa through the use of social media to bring about the so-called «Arab Spring», these same forces have opened a new chapter in their book of global dysfunctionality by facilitating the mass movement of refugees and economic migrants from the Middle East, Asia, and Africa to Europe.

son, Saif al Islam Qaddafi, who has been sentenced to death by the
radical Libyan regime that governs Tripoli, echoed his father’s comments
in the same interview with the French news network. Saif said: «Libya
may become the Somalia of North Africa, of the Mediterranean. You will
see the pirates in Sicily, in Crete, in Lampedusa. You will see millions
of illegal immigrants. The terror will be next door». As seen with
recent events, Saif was right on target.
for Europe, the terror is literally next door. It is estimated that as
many as 4000 radical jihadists, young men who are veterans of the
terrorist holocausts of Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, have taken advantage of
the absence of European Union external and internal Schengen border
controls to either return to Europe or enter Europe for the first time.
Many of the young male «migrants» have iPhones, bank ATM cards, multiple
passports, and ample cash, hardly what would expect to be found in the
possession of legitimate war refugees.
only have black Africans inundated southern Europe after making
dangerous boat trips from North Africa, including Libya, but Syrian
refugees, mostly created as the result of the West’s mass transfer of
captured arms caches from Libya to Syrian jihadists after the overthrow
of Qaddafi, thus triggering the bloody Syrian civil war, are streaming
by boat and by land into the very heart of Europe.
who is nothing more than a multi-billionaire front man for the even
wealthier Rothschild banking family of Western Europe, oversaw the
complete destruction of the nation-states of southeastern Europe that
now permit practical unfettered access of civil war and economic
migrants from Syria, Iraq, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa,
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma, Sri Lanka, and other war- and
poverty-ravaged nations of the Third World.
a result of his programs to re-engineer nations, Soros first helped
destroy the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia with the active
help of the European Union and NATO.
The seven independent republics
that once constituted Yugoslavia, now serve as major transit routes for
perhaps tens of thousands and an impending hundreds of thousands of
non-European migrants. Greece, which is suffering under austerity
«vulturism» directed by European central and private bankers, including
Soros and his Rothschild overseers, can hardly deal with the massive
influx of refugees.
The bankers have ensured that Greece cannot even
provide the basic social services for its own people let alone refugees
from civil war zones and nations suffering from collapsed governments
and economies.
which continues to reel from an attempted Ukraine-style «themed
revolution» courtesy of neocons in the Obama administration like
Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland, was unable to hold back a mass invasion of refugees from Greece.
Many of the refugees who treated the Greek-Macedonian border as a
non-existent nuisance piled across it into Macedonia and onward into
Serbia. The migrants have sought any way possible to reach welcoming
Austria and Germany. Refugees in Budapest swamped the central train
station, forcing it to close to all passengers, refugees trying to make
it to Austria and Germany, as well as Hungarians and foreign tourists.
refugees arriving in Munich have been irritated by the presence on the
streets of beer-drinking Germans and foreigners celebrating the annual
«Oktoberfest.» There have already been heated exchanges on the streets
between drunken Oktoberfest celebrants and some Muslim refugees who
object to the presence of plentiful alcohol.
Munich city officials said
they only had the capacity to receive 1000 new refugees per day. The
city has seen that number climb to 15,000 a day with some 90 percent of
them failing to register with local authorities and disappearing into
destinations unknown.
cities and towns in Europe, newly-arrived migrants sleeping in parks
and on sidewalks have created a public health nightmare with human feces
covering park grounds and the stench of urine permeating the walls of
buildings and gutters.
The situation is exacerbated by newly-arriving
Syrian refugees in northern Germany mistaking poisonous wild «death cap»
mushrooms for an edible variety that grows in the eastern
Mediterranean. Although warning notices written in Arabic and Kurdish
have been distributed to the refugees, the refugees have ingested the
death cap mushrooms, which has resulted in uncontrollable vomiting and
diarrhea, which has added to the public health dilemma facing Europe. It
is only a matter of time before human waste-borne diseases like cholera
and typhus make their first triumphant return to the cities of Europe
since the deadly pandemics of the last millennium.
Chancellor Angela Merkel, EU Council President Donald Tusk of Poland,
and EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker bear direct
responsibility for the influx of what may total more than a million
political and economic refugees into the heart of Europe. Merkel has
made no secret of her desire to add to the ranks of the German guest
worker, Gastarbeiter.
However, as shown with other guest workers in
Germany who have arrived over the last several decades, these workers
never consider themselves as «guests» but as permanent residents and
Meanwhile, Tusk and Juncker, the latter a native of tiny
Luxembourg, have threatened to fine non-EU members Switzerland,
Liechtenstein, Norway, and Iceland if they do not absorb their share of
refugees, a percentage dictated by the EU «Eurocrats» in Brussels.
Although Tusk has demanded EU countries to open their borders and
treasuries to the refugees, his native Poland is reticent to accept more
than a few hundred. Poland’s opposition is joined by the Czech
Republic, Slovakia, and Slovenia.

Bettel does not believe in a Europe of borders and therefore, like Merkel, Tusk, and Juncker, he a hero to the Soros-funded NGOs who are turning Europe into a deadly social engineering experiment.

The countries that have radicalized their jihadist guerrilla armies in Syria and Iraq, namely, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait, saw fit to take in no refugees from the fighting in Syria and Iraq. Saudi Arabia had the unmitigated gall to offer Germany to build 200 mosques for the refugees, of course mosques that would only preach and teach the radical Wahhabist version of Islam..
there is evidence that Turkey urged refugees from Syria on its soil to
join the mass exodus on unseaworthy vessels to its longtime adversary,
This gambit has resulted in the deaths of many children and
women, which has only served to pull the heart strings of northern
Europeans who have invited thousands of refugees into their social
welfare paradises. Turkey has also distributed handbooks to the migrants
instructing them where to go once they arrive in Germany for government
social welfare assistance.

as seen with Soros- and CIA-directed themed revolutions in the Arab
countries and Ukraine, migrants on the move have been instructed via
Twitter where increased border controls have been established and how to
bypass them. This «outside» direction has resulted in refugees heading
from Greece, Macedonia, and Serbia into Croatia and Slovenia in order to
make their way to the Austrian and German frontiers, thus avoiding
increasingly hostile Hungary and Serbia. There has already been a
practical border skirmish between Croatian police escorting a train full
of refugees to the Hungarian border and Hungarian border guards.
they are termed neo-conservative or neo-liberal, the policies that have
resulted in the worst refugee crisis to strike Europe since the end of
World War II have their roots in the political boiler shops funded by
George Soros and CIA front groups throughout Europe and the United
It is only a matter of time before their roles in what has
occurred in Europe will be discovered by the nationalists of the right
and left and their publishing houses and web site locations will go up
in flames.
Europeans will wake up and discover that Russia immunized itself from
the refugee scourge by not playing ball with the EU and its
When newly-arrived migrants begin defecating, vomiting,
and urinating on the streets of Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius, Helsinki, and
Stockholm, refugee crisis-free Russia will not seem so bad after all.
The views of individual contributors do not
necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.
Where ISIS Has Directed and Inspired Attacks Around the World | March 22, 2016 - “We are promising the Crusader nations which have aligned themselves against the Islamic State that dark days are coming,” the militants said in their announcement.

A completion of details of Members of Iranian Backed Miltias who have used the Refugee influx into the EU to present themselves as Refugees.