keskiviikko 29. lokakuuta 2014

Hoikat hiiret pitkäikäisiä ja nokkelia, 5:2 paasto

5:2 paasto
Tutkijoiden mielestä tehokkain ja halvin keino elää pidempään terveenä ja elinvoimaisena on rajoittaa energiansaantia. Tavoite on mahdollista saavuttaa esimerkiksi pitämällä viikossa kaksi kevytpaastopäivää eli 5:2 paasto.

Länsimaissa keskivertokansalainen syö 65 -vuotiaana noin kahdeksaa erilaista lääkettä. –Turhaan,  väittää ravitsemuksen ja ikääntymisen vuorovaikutusta tutkiva 
professori Luigi  Fontana  Washingtonin yliopistosta.
–Rajoittamalla ravintoa voi yleensä jo vuodessa normalisoida painon lisäksi veren sokerin ja rasvat. Mikä mielenkiintoisinta, energian ja varsinkin proteiinien saannin rajoittaminen alentaa myös IGF-1 -hormonin tuotantoa. Tämän insuliinin kaltaisen kasvutekijän liika erittyminen on avaintekijä mm. yleisimpien syöpien kehittymisessä.
–Useimpien ulottuvilla on siis todella yksinkertainen ja turvallinen keino pienentää syöpäriski  lähes olemattomiin. Lisäksi tulevat paaston edulliset vaikutukset verensokeriin ja rasvoihin ja niiden myötä pienempi riski sairastua diabetekseen tai sydän- ja verisuonisairauksiin.
–Olemme tutkineet ihmisiä jotka rajoittavat päivittäisen energiansaantinsa  alle 1900 kilokaloriin, kun normaalisti tarve on  2200-2300 kcal.  He ovat kuin toista ihmislajia – heidän riskinsä sairastua diabetekseen, syöpään tai sydän- ja verisuonisairauksiin on todella pieni muuhun väestöön verrattuna. 
Hoikat hiiret pitkäikäisiä ja nokkelia
Kaloreiden rajoittaminen lisää myös eliniän odotetta.  Hiirikokeissa elinikä piteni merkittävästi, kun hiirten ruokamääriä pienennettiin. Ilmeisesti näin on myös ihmisillä. Yhdysvalloissa 1930-luvun laman aikaan monet näkivät nälkää. Toisin kuin luulisi, eliniän odote ei heillä laskenut vaan nousi noin kuudella vuodella!
Professori Mark Mattson Baltimoren Kansallisesta ikääntymisinstituutista (NIA) tutkii ravinnon vaikutusta ikääntymiseen, muistiin ja oppimiskykyyn mm. hiirillä ja apinoilla.
– Vähemmän ruokaa saavien hiirten todettiin elävän 40% muita pidempään. Eikä siinä kyllin, lisäksi hoikat hiiret osoittautuivat muita nokkelammiksi; ne mm. oppivat muistamaan ja löytämään muita helpommin sokkeloon piilotetun ruokansa.
 Tutkijat havaitsivat, että nälkäisten hiirten aivoihin alkoi muodostua uusia soluja, mikä jarrutti ikääntymiselle tyypillisten muistiongelmien ilmaantumista.  Kiinnostava lisähuomio oli, että vuoropäivin tai jaksoittain tapahtuvalla paastoamisella oli suotuisammat vaikutukset muistiin ja oppimiskykyyn kuin pysyvällä kaloreiden rajoittamisella.
Tässäkin avaintekijäksi osoittautui IGF-1. Nälkäisen eläimen maksa tuottaa sitä erittäin vähän.
 –IGF-1 on hormoni, joka saa elimistön käymään ylikierroksilla.  Kun kalorimäärää rajoitetaan, sen eritys laskee. Tällöin uusien solujen tuotanto hidastuu ja elimistö alkaa sen sijaan korjata vaurioituneita soluja. Tämä tarkoittaa mm. vanhenemisprosessin hidastumista.
Professori Mattsonin mukaan on erittäin todennäköistä, että ihmiset reagoivat samalla tavoin: nälkä saa niin hiiren kuin ihmisenkin skarppaamaan. Käytännössä siis Alzheimerin tautia, dementiaa ja muistisairauksia voitaisiin merkittävästi ehkäistä ja hidastaa paastoamalla säännöllisesti.
Jaksottainen 5:2 paasto kirpaisee vähiten
Jo ajatuskin olla päivä syömättä hirvittää useimpia, pidemmästä paastosta puhumattakaan. Ratkaisuksi tutkijat ehdottavat jaksottaista paastoamista eli 5:2 paastoa jossa kahtena valinnaisena viikonpäivänä syödään rajoitetusti.
Tällä menetelmällä saavutetaan optimaaliset terveyshyödyt ilman, että paastoaminen tuntuu liian hankalalta. Kokonaan ravinnotta ei kuitenkaan ole tarkoitus paastota, riittää kun päivän energiansaanti rajataan 400-600 kilokaloriin.
400-600 kcal päivässä: pidä mehu&myslipäivä
Helppo, niukasti kaloreja ja proteiineja mutta runsaasti vitaaliaineita sisältävä kevytpaastomenu syntyy  parista  lasillisesta tomaatti- ja porkkanamehua. Lisäksi syödään nälän tehokkaasti poissa pitävää luomumysliä marjojen ja luomumaidon tai jogurtin kera sekä juodaan runsaasti vettä ja teetä. 
Vaikka tärkeintä paastopäivinä onkin kalorien rajoittaminen, miksei samalla tankata vitaaliaineita nauttimalla mahdollisimman hyvälaatuista ruokaa? Hiiretkin dementoituivat huomattavasti nopeammin, kun ne professori Mattsonin kokeissa pantiin roskaruokadieetille.
5:2 paastopäivä
Nauti yhden kevytpaastopäivän aikana valitsemaasi aikaan
2 x 1,5 dl Porkkanatäysmehua
2 x 1,5 dl Tomaattitäysmehua
50-60 g Luomumysliä, pakastemarjoja (ilman sokeria), luomukevytmaitoa tai jougurttia 2 dl
2-3 isoa lasillista lähdevettä johon voi sekoittaa Molkosania tai Molkosan Vitalitya 2 kupillista Yrttiteetä

Syö, paastoa ja elä pitempään (Eat, Fast and Live Longer). Dokumenttifilmi , ohjaus ja käsikirjoitus Kate Dart. Esitetty Yle 1:llä 18.3.2013.
Video, 58 min:

Actions of IGF-1 in Relation to Cancer

IGF-1 exerts powerful effects on each of the key stages of cancer development and behaviour: cellular proliferation and apoptosis, angiogenesis and metastasis, and more recently, development of resistance to chemotherapeutic agents.[2,3] It is a potent proliferative agent affecting almost every cell type, an effect predominantly, although not exclusively, mediated via the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase signalling pathway. In addition to these proliferative actions, IGF-1 is also a powerful antiapoptotic agent influencing the apoptotic responses to a variety of agents of numerous cell types. These antiapoptotic actions tend to be mediated via the PI-3 kinase pathway, although this is again not exclusive, and there is considerable cross-talk between the two predominant signalling pathways.

 The end results of these opposing effects of IGF-1 may be several-fold. First, there is increased proliferation and thus epithelial cell turnover within tissues. Second, the antiapoptotic effects cause an imbalance in the usual tight control between proliferation and cell death and result in hyperproliferation. This is the first stage in the development of many cancers and has been particularly well demonstrated in colorectal tumorigenesis in which it precedes the formation of colonic adenomas. Third, such an imbalance between cell proliferation and death would favour, even slightly, survival of stem cells that had undergone early genetic 'hits'.[4] This would increase the pool of damaged cells available for second and subsequent hits. Higher levels of IGF-1 would be expected to activate survival pathways that would make programmed cell death of damaged cells slightly less probable. When applied overall to a large number of 'at risk' cells over many years, even a small influence in favour of survival of such cells could accelerate carcinogenesis, although not initiate cancer development per se.

maanantai 27. lokakuuta 2014

The Ebola virus can be destroyed naturally – despite what you’ve been told

To date, not a single virus has been tested that is not inactivated (killed) by a large enough dose of vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

Many other antioxidants have similar virucidal effects, but vitamin C appears uniquely to be of greatest potency and clinical efficacy, as its simple chemical structure allows for it to be disseminated throughout the body with little restriction. 
As such, it is able to effectively address viral populations present in both the intracellular and extracellular spaces.
Other antioxidants have been found to have higher ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) values – measurements which are used to quantify the antioxidant capacity of supplements (or foods). However, a virus can never be incapacitated by a potent antioxidant if the chemical structure of that antioxidant does not permit direct contact between the virus and the antioxidant. 

Why is vitamin C so effective in killing viruses?

A primary way in which vitamin C destroys viruses, or sets them up for destruction by the immune system, is by activating the ‘Fenton reaction. In a nutshell, this reaction can proceed inside the virus, inside cells in which viruses are replicating, and on the surfaces of the viruses themselves. The result of this reaction that is stimulated by the presence of vitamin C, one or more transition metal cations, and the local presence of peroxide is the immediate production of hydroxyl radicals.
These radicals are the most reactive oxidizing agents ever identified.

As such, they radically upregulate oxidative stress and end up destroying whatever is in their immediate environment.

The effects of vitamin C in “mopping up” after it inflicts its viral damage are further supported by its potent and multifaceted support of the immune system.

There is no other substance that singularly does as much to promote increased and strong immune function as vitamin C. Among many other effects, vitamin C directly stimulates interferon and antibody production, while effectively supercharging the functions of the white blood cells by becoming very concentrated inside those cells. To be balanced, it is also important to note that the effects of vitamin C on chronic viral infections, such as chronic hepatitis, AIDS, or HIV-positive states are less profound, as the virus works its way into physical locations much less accessible by vitamin C than when the viral infections are acute. Nevertheless, long-term, highly-dosed protocols of vitamin C often completely control and even occasionally cure these diseases.

Ebola NYC 2014: Nothing Fazes New Yorkers, Not Even Doctor's Diagnosis

O.K. – let’s talk about the clinical results

The actual evidence showing what vitamin C has done and can continue to do if properly utilized is there for anyone to see and review. The ‘multi-C protocol’ will reverse and cure any viral syndrome if secondary organ damage has not already advanced too far. Even then, many cases that would seem hopeless can still show dramatic clinical responses. Review for yourself the incredible clinical results of Frederick Klenner, MD, – who is truly the father of the clinical applications of vitamin C.
 Also, check out the H1N1 patient in New Zealand who was going to be taken off of life support when vitamin C finally came to the rescue. 

The Use of Vitamin C as an AntibioticClinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C

Frederick R. Klenner, M.D., F.C.C.P

Dr. Klenner’s list of honours and professional affiliations is tremendous. He is listed in a flock of various “Who’s Who” registers. He has published many scientific papers throughout his scientific career.
Dr. Klenner was a:
Fellow: The American College of Chest Physicians
Fellow & Diplomate: The International College of Applied Nutrition
Fellow: The American Association for the Advancement of Science
Fellow: The American College of Angiology
Fellow: The American Academy of Family Practice
Fellow: The Royal Society of Health (London)
Fellow: International College of Angiology
Founder-Fellow: American Geriatrics Society
Fellow (Honorary): The International Academy of Orthomolecular and Preventive Medicine

A few more points about Ebola need to be considered…

This is a disease that spreads most effectively among populations that have a substantially poorer nutritional status than is seen in the United States and other well-fed populations around the world. Of course, any exposure to a high enough titer of virus can allow an infection to “take hold,” even in a well-nourished individual. Furthermore, it has been published that there are a substantial number of individuals, often healthcare workers who treated Ebola patients, who have a symptomless infection when exposed to Ebola virus. This further supports the concept just mentioned that the nutritional status of the exposed individuals is a very important consideration in determining the likelihood of the infection proceeding to severe illness or even death.

My final crucial point about all this ‘hysteria’ …

Don’t worry.

If Hollywood and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) want to induce the populations of the world into a full-blown panic, so be it.

You have the tools to prevent a virus like Ebola from ever setting up shop in your body. And if your prevention should fall short, resolution and cure is a simple process, and it should occur for all but the most immune-challenged, chronically ill, and malnourished individuals among us.  //end of cpt 1(2)

References 1(2):
Baxter A (2000) Symptomless infection with Ebola virus. Lancet 355:2178-2179. PMID: 10881884
Levy T (2002) Curing the Incurable. Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins. Henderson, NV: MedFox Publishing
Klenner F (1971) Observations of the dose and administration of ascorbic acid when employed beyond the range of a vitamin in human pathology. Journal of Applied Nutrition 23:61-88
Levy T (2012) Treating influenza with vitamin C: results and mechanisms. Townsend Letter December
Klenner F (1948) Virus pneumonia and its treatment with vitamin C. Southern Medicine & Surgery February, 110:36-38, 46
Cathcart R. (1984) Vitamin C in the treatment of acquired immune deficiency syndrome. (AIDS). Medical Hypotheses 14:423-433. PMID: 6238227
Levy T (2011) Primal Panacea Henderson, NV: MedFox Publishing

Intravenous Vitamin C for Cancer Cure on ABC News
(Vitamin C has been known to cure over 30 major disease for over 50 years. But why haven't you heard more about it? Why haven't more doctors used Vitamin C as medicine?) Video

- See more at:


Vitamin C benefits include reversing blood poisoning

Vitamin C is being hailed as a safe, inexpensive and effective way to reverse the course of sepsis, a potentially life-threatening type of blood poisoning. In an animal study conducted at Lawson Health Research Institute at the University of Western Ontario and published in 2010 in Intensive Care Medicine, researchers found that vitamin C injections significantly improved the survival rate of septic mice. Researchers are eager to see if the results are applicable to human patients. Noting that the injections had no harmful side effects, study leader Dr. Karel Tyml predicted that inexpensive, safe vitamin C treatments could improve the outlook for sepsis patients worldwide, and be a particular boon in developing countries, in which the rates of sepsis are higher.

The NADPH oxidase plays a pivotal role in microbial killing because its dys-function causes CGD, (Chronic granulomatous disease) characterized by a profound predisposition to bacterial and fungal infection (810), and killing is compromised under anaerobic conditions (11).
Detailed reviews of the biochemistry and bioenergetics of this system have recently been undertaken (1213), to which I refer readers. A schematic representation of the oxidase is shown in Figure 2.

Schematic representation of the NADPH oxidase

Flavocytochrome b558 is a heterodimer of gp91phox, which contains the haem- and flavin-binding sites, and p22phox. Electron transport is activated by phosphorylation and translocation to the vacuolar membrane of p47phox and p67phox. p21rac, in the GTP-bound form, is also required (12).

How exactly does vitamin C treat, prevent and even reverse blood poisoning?

Experts say that oxidative stress is a major factor in sepsis. Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, achieves its lifesaving effects by fighting the oxidative reaction, while stimulating the production of nitric oxide and alleviating the microvascular dysfunction that can lead to organ failure. It also reduces platelet adhesion, making blood platelets less likely to form clots.

Even a single (high dose) vitamin C injection can cause a dramatic improvement in physical health.

 According to researchers, one bolus injection of vitamin C during the development of sepsis is sufficient to prevent the plugging of capillaries. When given later in the course of disease, a lone injection can unblock impaired capillaries and restore blood flow. This single injection can also prevent capillary plugging for up to 24 hours post-injection – a finding that led the team to remark on vitamin C’s “rapid and persistent” beneficial effects.

Critically ill patients benefit the most from high dose vitamin

C therapy In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 216 critically ill patients published in 2004 in Anesthesia and Analgesia, researchers found that administering vitamin E and vitamin C significantly reduced mortality. In a randomized trial published in 2002 in Annals of Surgery, 595 patients given vitamins C and E within 24 hours of their traumatic event or major surgery had a reduced risk of major organ failure and pulmonary edema. It’s not so surprising that vitamin C has dramatic effects on blood poisoning; this indispensable water-soluble vitamin is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and a powerful anti-aging substance. Vitamin C plays a vital role in helping to grow and repair tissues and heal wounds, but also helps to keep blood vessels flexible. It’s even an enzyme cofactor, and helps to make collagen – which is needed for healthy skin.

How much vitamin C should I be getting?

Since vitamin C can NOT be stored in the body, it must be obtained through the diet and supplementation.
While the National Academy of Sciences recommends a daily value of 75 milligrams a day for women and 90 milligrams a day for men, these figures are dramatically lower than what most natural health experts suggest. In fact, if you’re suffering from any degenerative illness, you’ll need much more. 

Dr. Linus Pauling, the founder of modern chemistry, holder of 48 honorary Ph.D.s, and the world’s only 2-time unshared Nobel prize laureate recommends that ‘every person who is at risk of heart disease should take 5 or 6 g of vitamin C and at least 2 g of lysine, although larger amounts may be necessary.” 

Obviously, when dealing with life-threatening conditions like blood poisoning – one should consult with a qualified, medical professional about how to best proceed – just be sure they have an experience with vitamin C or you’ll be wasting your time.

Is there anything else I need to know about vitamin C?

 Since every person is different – in terms of medical/health history – optimal levels of vitamin C may vary depending on bowel tolerance and severity of the health condition.  Generally speaking, the sicker the patient – the more vitamin C is needed, until symptoms go away. If you should experience intestinal upset or diarrhea, by taking vitamin C powder, tablets or capsules – just reduce the amount you’re taking and you should be fine.  If you’re considering high-dose IV vitamin C – this must be done by a qualified medical professional and you’ll need to check for a ‘G6PD deficiency’ before starting IV vitamin C therapy.  Remember, a sick person needs much more vitamin C versus a healthy individual. In addition, when taking vitamin C supplements – be aware that many brands are produced with genetically modified corn. Like any other food or nutritional supplement – it pays to know your supplier and ask questions before making your purchase. Naturally, it’s always a good idea to eat foods that are rich in antioxidants – which help to reduce the risk of free radical damage in our blood. Eat lots of organic fruits and vegetables (juicing is great) and for maximum benefit, eat these foods raw or slightly cooked – as vitamin C is sensitive to heat. /end of 2(2)

References 2(2):
- See more at:


What is the benefit of L-Ascorbic acid form of vitamin C?

Generally speaking, vitamin C can be purchased as either L-Ascorbic acid, a weak acid, or as Sodium L-Ascorbate.  Ascorbic acid is the most common form of the vitamin and was used and recommended for oral consumption by Linus Pauling.

Vitamin C expert Robert Cathcart III, MD, prescribed high-doses of vitamin C to thousands of patients.  Dr. Cathcart found oral ascorbic acid to be twice as potent as sodium ascorbate and other ascorbate forms for many therapeutic applications.

Vitamin C authors and experts Steve Hickey, PhD, and Hilary Roberts, PhD, explain that oral ascorbic acid (but not sodium ascorbate) enters the blood stream through the stomach lining.

Note: The maximum steady state vitamin C level in human beings is 1.3 mg/dl (women) to 1.5 mg/dl (men)
Sodium ascorbate, having further to travel through the gut, is released more slowly when ingested orally and a slighly larger dose (4.9 g) reaches a maximum of around 20 mg/dl or 13 times the steady state maximum.


Vitamin C FAQs

What is Calcium Ascorbate?
Calcium Ascorbate is a buffered salt (mineral) form of the water-soluble antioxidant Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Calcium is reacted with ascorbic acid to buffer the acidic nature of this vitamin, making it more gentle for the special needs of those who may have a sensitive gastrointestinal tract. The pH of this buffered mineral Ascorbate is approximately 6.8~7.4 as compared to ascorbic acid that is about a pH of 2.5. Calcium Ascorbate provides approximately 10% elemental calcium.

What does Calcium Ascorbate do?
Ascorbate (vitamin C) is a reducing sugar (has a reactive ene-diol structure) that is involved in biochemical processes such as hydroxylation of proline and lysine utilized in the formation of collagen and healthy connective tissue. A deficiency in Ascorbate results in a disease called scurvy which manifests as weakened collagen fibers, rotting teeth, delayed healing and open sores on the skin. Ascorbate is involved in many other vital functions such as the mobilization of iron, stimulation of immune system and as an anti-oxidant for scavenging of reactive free radicals.

Is this a necessary vitamin or can our bodies make enough to satisfy our needs?
Many plants and animals do not need to consume foods high in ascorbic acid to meet their need for Vitamin C because they are genetically programmed to produce enzymes that convert glucose into ascorbic acid. Unfortunately humans have only 3 of the 4 enzymes necessary for internal production of ascorbic acid, therefore we must satisfy our physical needs for this important vitamin through our intake of foods rich in vitamin C and/or take a good supplement.


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Vitamin C can be purchased as either L-Ascorbic

acid, (Vitamin C Crystals) a weak acid,

  • Ascorbic Acid
  • Pure Powder
  • Pharmaceutical Grade
  • Vegetarian Product
Ascorbic acid is the most common form of the vitamin.
Ascorbic Acid is another name for Vitamin C.  Vitamin C is a popular antioxidant and one of the most widely used vitamins in the world.  Fine Ascorbic acid is a bioavailable form of Vitamin C in a powder form, so it can be combined with other powdered supplements or dissolved in liquid for easy ingestion. Wikipedia - Ascorbic acid is a naturally occurring organic  compound with antioxidant properties. 

From the FDA's website: "Some scientific evidence suggests that consumption of antioxidant vitamins may reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer. However, FDA has determined that this evidence is limited and not conclusive."

or as Sodium L-Ascorbate 

(Sodium Ascorbate Powder ) 


Antioxidant Protection*
  • Pure Buffered
  • Vitamin C Powder
  • A Dietary Supplement
  • Vegetarian/Vegan
Vitamin C is a water soluble nutrient well known for its vital role in the immune system. Vitamin C is necessary for the production of collagen (a structural protein in connective tissue) and is therefore important for skin, bone, and joint health. Vitamin C is also needed for amino acid metabolism and the utilization of many nutrients, such as folic acid and iron. It is also a highly effective antioxidant that can protect the bodys cells and molecules from damage by free radicals generated during normal metabolism.* This product supplies Sodium Ascorbate, a buffered form of Vitamin C that is gentler on the stomach.

Wikipedia - Sodium ascorbate is one of a number of mineral salts of ascorbic acid (vitamin C).


perjantai 24. lokakuuta 2014

Can natural protocols be an effective treatment for Ebola?

 October 19, 2014 

Since writing “Surprising solution for Ebola virus” and having it published by NaturalHealth365 August 3, 2014, a lot has transpired. 

The Ebola epidemic was only beginning, and it had only been featured in the nightly news for about 2 weeks at that time. Nobody, I believe, had any clear handle on what was going to happen or how the epidemic was going to evolve.

Over the 10 weeks since that article first appeared, and especially over the last 4 weeks or so, I have received a literal avalanche of emails from around the world.

Most of them were very supportive of my efforts to let those “in charge” know there were real options available to stop Ebola beyond vaccines, isolation, antipyretics, nutrition, and vigorous hydration (“feed ‘em and fan ‘em, as we used to say when I was an internal medicine resident at Tulane University in New Orleans). 

A few, however, have tried to demonize me by saying that I should be ashamed of myself for even suggesting something as outlandish as vigorous vitamin C supplementation to help facilitate recovery from an Ebola infection. One individual even suggested an article like mine should be illegal, as it threatened lives. Imagine, vitamin C threatening someone’s life! But the beat goes on…

For the record, let’s be perfectly clear about vitamin C and Ebola

One thing I would like to immediately clarify. Vitamin C has never cured Ebola virus, or to my knowledge, accelerated its resolution. Also, to my knowledge, no attempt has even been made to utilize this phenomenal vitamin/nutrient in such a fashion.
What vitamin C has done, and this has been reported in the medical literature, is to disintegrate or otherwise inactivate every virus against which it has been tested, and many different viruses have been subjected to such experiments.
As reported in my earlier article, Dr. Frederick Klenner resolved viral syndromes routinely and with dispatch by using multigram doses of vitamin C intravenously (50 grams at a time or more).
He even reported on several patients comatose with viral encephalitis. 

These individuals regained consciousness within a few hours of the vitamin C infusions and ultimately recovered, typically in days, not weeks or months.
Now, with specific regard to Ebola, it is just as important to support the body as to make it difficult for the virus to survive. Although several cases have now occurred in American healthcare workers, the rapid spread is mainly occurring in Africans that don’t have anything close to the average nutritional status of even a teenager in the United States subsisting predominantly on Chicken McNuggets.  This makes an enormous difference in the effectiveness of any therapy, including vitamin C.

When do infectious diseases cause the most harm to human health?

When Dr. Klenner treated an acute viral syndrome with intravenous vitamin C, there was typically an immune system with adequate capacity to “mop-up” the toxic debris resulting from massive viral disintegration.

However, in the typical Ebola patient in Africa, vitamin C, ozone, ultraviolet blood irradiation, and all of the other treatments known to stop viruses in their tracks will be releasing toxic byproducts into a body that has already been chronically decimated by malnutrition.
Even the best-fed individuals in the areas affected do not have a wide variety of good foods, and significant nutritional deficiencies can be expected to be present among them as well. Remember that you do not have to be pathologically skinny to actually be severely malnourished. Even obese individuals have managed to get scurvy in the past.
Simply put, nutritionally-deficient individuals run the greatest risk of premature death from infectious diseases.

How to reduce the risk of infectious diseases 

While I don’t intend to present a comprehensive potential treatment for Ebola in this article, I emphasize to anyone wanting to treat Ebola with anything to include the following considerations (I am avoiding specific dosages, since this can range very widely depending upon the clinical circumstances):

1. The ‘multi-C protocol‘ (Vitamin C, highly-dosed in multiple forms), as outlined in my previous writings on NaturalHealth365. 

2. Adequately dosed vitamins K and D – the blood level of vitamin D should end up between 60 and 80 ng/cc; proper D levels are enormously important in helping vitamin C to bolster the immune system and prevent and/or resolve an infection.
3. Adequate B vitamins.
4. Vigorous hydration, orally and intravenously.
5. High quality nutrition – as liquids and solids as tolerated.

The regular administration of vitamin C powder in such liquids can help heal the sick and malabsorbing gut present in these clinical situations; even in those with illness-induced diarrhea large amounts of vitamin C powder and nutrient-rich liquids can resolve this more quickly and allow the quality nutrients being swallowed to end up being better absorbed and assimilated.
6. Other quality supplements/nutrients. It is important to realize that many people adversely affect their digestion when very large amounts of different supplements are taken, and this should be even more significant for the chronically malnourished patient. Other supplements can certainly be taken, but not to the detriment of ingesting adequate amounts of good nutrients, liquid and solid.

Why is vitamin C so effective in killing viruses? 
A primary way in which vitamin C destroys viruses, or sets them up for destruction by the immune system, is by activating the ‘Fenton reaction’. In a nutshell, this reaction can proceed inside the virus, inside cells in which viruses are replicating, and on the surfaces of the viruses themselves. The result of this reaction that is stimulated by the presence of vitamin C, one or more transition metal cations, and the local presence of peroxide is the immediate production of hydroxyl radicals. These radicals are the most reactive oxidizing agents ever identified. As such, they radically upregulate oxidative stress and end up destroying whatever is in their immediate environment. - See more at:

Making the hospital setting a safer place for everyone

An additional important point is that it is very critical for much the same regimen to be utilized in the healthcare workers who are tending to Ebola patients, regardless of how much protective clothing is worn or antiseptic measures are being taken. The virus can only propagate once it takes hold, and it can only take hold when a large exposure is suddenly encountered and assimilated.

There is nothing a virus “wants to encounter” less than a high antioxidant presence in the blood and extracellular fluids after it gets into the body. With our current state of knowledge on Ebola, healthcare workers have every right to be anxious over their possibility of getting infected, and until more practical clinical knowledge is acquired, they need to receive pretty much everything the patient receives, as itemized above, and including intravenous administration of vitamin C.
About the author: Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD is a board-certified internist and cardiologist. He is also bar-certified for the practice of law. He has written extensively on the importance of eliminating toxins while bolstering antioxidant defenses in the body, with particular focus on vitamin C.
His new book entitled Death by Calcium: Proof of the toxic effects of dairy and calcium supplements is now available at or In this new book, for the first time, Dr. Levy has assembled extensive sections on his treatment protocols for cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, and other chronic degenerative diseases. As well, this new book contains his detailed Guide to the Optimal Administration of Vitamin C.”
His website is

References:1. Baxter A (2000) Symptomless infection with Ebola virus. Lancet 355:2178-2179. PMID: 10881884
2. Levy T (2002) Curing the Incurable. Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins. Henderson, NV: MedFox Publishing
3. Klenner F (1971) Observations of the dose and administration of ascorbic acid when employed beyond the range of a vitamin in human pathology. Journal of Applied Nutrition 23:61-88
4. Levy T (2012) Treating influenza with vitamin C: results and mechanisms. Townsend Letter December
5. Klenner F (1948) Virus pneumonia and its treatment with vitamin C. Southern Medicine & Surgery February, 110:36-38, 46
6. Cathcart R. (1984) Vitamin C in the treatment of acquired immune deficiency syndrome. (AIDS). Medical Hypotheses 14:423-433. PMID: 6238227
7. Levy T (2011) Primal Panacea Henderson, NV: MedFox Publishing

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Cal-Mag, Stress Formula, 100 Tablets

NOW Foods Calcium and Magnesium Stress Formula with B-Compelx and Vitamin C - 100 Tablets 

Now Foods Calcium and Magnesium are essential minerals that work synergistically with one another to promote enhanced absorption in NOW Foods Calcium & Magnesium Stress Formula. NOW Foods Calcium-Magnesium Stress Formula contains calcium that is necessary for strong bones and teeth, and Magnesium is important for healthy enzymatic activityIn addition, NOW Foods Calcium-Magnesium Stress Formula provides a full spectrum of B-vitamins and Vitamin C.

Supplement Facts 
Serving Size: 2 Tablets 
Servings Per Container: 50 
Amount Per Serving / % Daily Value

Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid) 120 mg / 200% 
Thiamine (Vitamin B-1) (from Thiamine HCl) 10 mg / 667% 
Riboflavin (Vitamin B-2) 5 mg / 294% 
Niacin (Vitamin B-3) (as Niacinamide) 40 mg / 200% 
Vitamin B-6 (from Pyridoxine HCl) 5 mg / 250% 
Folate (Folic Acid) 800 mcg / 200% 
Vitamin B-12 (as Cyanocobalamin) 20 mcg / 333% 
Biotin 300 mcg / 100%
Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B-5) (from Calcium Pantothenate) 20 mg / 200%
Calcium (from 80% Calcium Carbonate, 10% Calcium Citrate, 10% Amino Acid Chelate) 1.0 g (1,000 mg) / 100% 

Magnesium (from 80% Magnesium Oxide, 10% Magnesium Citrate, 10% Amino Acid Chelate) 500 mg /     125%
Choline (as Choline Bitartrate) 20 mg † Inositol 20 mg † PABA 10 mg † 

Daily Value not established. 

Fenton reaction

The Fenton reaction has importance in biology because it involves the creation of free radicals by chemicals that are present in vivo. Transition-metal ions such as iron and copper donate or accept free electrons via intracellular reactions and help in creating free radicals. Most intracellular iron is inferric (+3 ion) form and must be reduced to the ferrous (+2) form to take part in Fenton reaction. Since superoxide ions and transition metals act in a synergistic manner in the creation of free radical damage, iron supplementation must not be done in patients with any active infections or in general any diseases.'s_reagent

Oxidative stress

Oxidative stress reflects an imbalance between the systemic manifestation of reactive oxygen species and a biological system's ability to readily detoxify the reactive intermediates or to repair the resulting damage. Disturbances in the normal redox state of cells can cause toxic effects through the production of peroxides and free radicals that damage all components of the cell, including proteinslipids, and DNA. Further, some reactive oxidative species act as cellular messengers in redox signaling. Thus, oxidative stress can cause disruptions in normal mechanisms of cellular signaling.
In humans, oxidative stress is thought to be involved in the development of cancer,[1] Parkinson's diseaseAlzheimer's disease,[2][3] atherosclerosis,heart failure,[4] myocardial infarction,[5][6] fragile X syndrome,[7] Sickle Cell Disease,[8] lichen planus,[9] vitiligo,[10] autism,[11] infection,[12] and chronic fatigue syndrome.[13] However, reactive oxygen species can be beneficial, as they are used by the immune system as a way to attack and kill pathogens.[14] Short-term oxidative stress may also be important in prevention of aging by induction of a process named mitohormesi
Chemically, oxidative stress is associated with increased production of oxidizing species or a significant decrease in the effectiveness of antioxidant defenses, such as glutathione.[16] The effects of oxidative stress depend upon the size of these changes, with a cell being able to overcome small perturbations and regain its original state. However, more severe oxidative stress can cause cell death and even moderate oxidation can triggerapoptosis, while more intense stresses may cause necrosis.

Production of reactive oxygen species is a particularly destructive aspect of oxidative* stress. Such species include free radicals and peroxides. Some of the less reactive of these species (such as superoxide) can be converted by oxidoreduction reactions with transition metals or other redox cycling compounds (including quinones) into more aggressive radical species that can cause extensive cellular damage.[18] Most long term effects are caused by damage to DNA.[19] DNA damage can be induced by ionizing radiation is similar to oxidative stress, and these lesions have been implicated in aging and cancer.


