funded by the True Finns think tank Finland made a statistical basis is the study of how a large part of income support to be paid is allocated to immigrants.
Finland basis must be based close to the Finnish political think tank. Its key research topics are of interests according to background Community immigration related issues.
Oven according to a recent report in immigrants in 2018 were EUR 200 million for social assistance. The amount is 25 percent of income support to be paid in Finland to people.
Previously, income support paid by municipalities. Today, its payment is the responsibility of the Social Insurance Institution.
Social Benefit is divided into three parts: basic, supplementary and preventive social assistance.
Social assistance is a Finnish social security, a last-resort form of support. It is paid only in the event that a person other income is not enough to live on.

an increase of 50 million 

income aid paid to Finnish population in the total sum of the years 2013-2018 rose fairly moderately 749 million to EUR 804 million. Covering the period hit a momentary rise in the number of asylum seekers in the autumn of 2015 and winter 2016.
According to the report the basis for the increase in expenditure of just over EUR 50 million is the result of the total amount of aid paid to immigrants increases.
Most immigrants living in the Helsinki metropolitan area. Foreign language among all comprehensive social assistance recipients are in Espoo and Kauniainen 42 per cent, 41 per cent in Vantaa. The percentage rises to the corresponding Helsinki 36.
Finland basis for the study of immigrant groups broken down by country of birth.

The four countries a lot of beneficiaries

Salminen  classifies pakolaismaiksi Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.
- social assistance recipients and the percentages obtained from an average of aid should the enormous differences between the various groups, Salminen write.
Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria arising from 18-64-year-olds about 60 per cent received some form of social assistance in 2017.
With Finnish population living allowance annually receives about seven per cent of the Finnish base.
Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and Syria in the mean those born on paid income support recipients was 2,017 per person per year to 2 300 EUR. The highest average was born in Syria:  EUR 3 190 per person.
Syria's civil war has fled to Finland by thousands of people in the 2010s. a large part of them have been granted asylum.
With Finnish social assistance recipient of the annual average of the sum of the years 2012-2017 around EUR 180-200.

Integration is not easy

Salminen evaluates its report, relying on the second-generation immigrant integration in Finland is difficult.
- children of all major immigrant groups benefit from subsidies more than the native population of the same age young people, many groups of up to several times. This suggests that the 'integration' does not occur at all in the second maahanmuuttajasukupolvessa, even though these individuals were born in Finland, Salminen write.
According to the report in Finland born 19-year-old Somali Finnish about 75 per cent annually receives social assistance. The so-called native population of the same age in young adults social assistance recipients account for about 13-14 percent.
Young people with a migrant parents often do not have the financial ability to support its offspring, when the likelihood of social security benefits to grow.
- What is perhaps most surprising results, the livelihood of the aid received amounts will be increased as compared to the native population being on the ground increases. This applies to all immigrant groups, not just the refugee countries. maintenance grants on average received after twenty years in the country of just born in Eastern Asia migrants are lower than the native population, Salminen says.lauri.nurmi @