keskiviikko 6. helmikuuta 2019

Woman Cures Breast Cancer with Black Salve


Woman Cures Breast Cancer with Black Salve

Ann Devlin added 4 new photos.

You're entitled to have a giggle at this should you feel inclined to do so ...
It's now just over two weeks ago since I removed my large breast tumour using black salve. The tumour came out in 2 stages, the smaller part after 20 days and the much larger part on day 28. The day after the large part of the tumour came out I hand delivered the breast tumours to the hospital, preserved in a jar of Regan's best polish vodka (much to his dismay).

The surgeon, a very amiable Irish chap, appeared quite dumbfounded and made very little comment. I was accompanied by my mum, Eileen, who with such genuine excitement at the whole event pipes up - 'Isn't is marvelous doctor, hasn't she done well?' - to which he politely refused to comment. I was keen to have the sample sent for histology in order that it would be documented in my hospital records. He agreed to do so, and he sent a follow up letter to my GP with comments as follows... 
'This lady was seen in breast clinic today. She has a history of left breast cancer, she declined operative therapy and opted for alternative remedies.
She attended clinic today with, what appeared to be, 2 pieces of breast tissue. She had been applying herbal remedies to the area and this appears to have enucleated the tumour from the breast. 

She is anxious to have these sent to the lab...I have explained that they may give us limited information as she has preserved it in vodka, but we have agreed to send it and await the outcome.'
I love that word 'enucleated' - I even looked it up for the official medical definition:

'removal of tumour from surrounding tissue without rupturing'.
'Enucleation is a surgical process during which only the tumor cells are removed.'
'To remove (a tumor or eye, for example) whole from an enveloping cover or sac.'
I went to the breast clinic yesterday to see the surgeon to get the histology report. It confirmed the obvious, i.e. that the tissue I had removed with the black salve was cancerous breast tissue - it's just good to have it authenticated for my medical records. I have asked for them to send me the full histology report, they agreed to post it on to me.

My wound is healing up amazingly well - it's looking great! I am overwhelmed at the body's capacity to heal. The hole had filled up within 3 days, new skin had covered the wound after a week, and now the wound area is reducing in size on a daily basis. I may yet go topless sunbathing again! (though not in front of my teenage son - he gets far too embarrassed).

I'm still on my strict diet and protocol, and will still be closely monitoring my left breast, especially bearing in mind I've still got a small tumour left in there, but I'm very confident that it's all looking very positive.

I'm due to go back at the end of October for my next clinic appointment...
Keep you posted x

Picture 1 - Tumour that came out on 2nd Sept (Day 20) (Attached at bottom of email)
Picture 2 - Tumour that came out on 10th Sept (Day 28) (Attached at bottom of email)
Picture 3 - The wound on 10th Sept (Day 28) (Attached at bottom of email)
Picture 4 - The amazing healing process - 26th Sept, 16 days after tumour came out 
 (Attached at bottom of email)

How To Use Black Salve:

**Please Note**much of the info below was received from Alpha Omega Labs, a company that sold black salve under the commercial name "Cansema" which was very successful in treating skin cancers before the FDA shut them down. There are a select few quality black salves that are still on the market today, like those found at: 

As Alpha Omega Labs stated, the products found at and are NOT quality salves and are a waste of money, like many others being marketed as true black salves. As with any ailment, it is important to seek out the advice and treatment of a qualified physician. This site is purely for educational purposes. Information found in this site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Many of the comments found on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA, FTC, AMA or any other US government regulatory agency. Please read ALL of the following information for better understanding of the process!

The medical definition of "cure" is the non-reoccurrence of pathology within five years after treatment. By the very definition used by orthodox medicine, black salve is empirically a proven cure for skin cancer for the majority of those who use the product according to our instructions.

Effective black salve ingredients include blood root and zinc chloride at a minimum. Often, black salve will also include other immune boosting herbs such as chaparral, red clover, galangal and graviola. 
After Reading ALL of the directions below FIRST, you will want to watch the first video on this page: 

First, as stated earlier, the user may want to have a biopsy or other diagnostic procedure performed to ascertain whether or not there is, in fact, skin cancer.

Many people, on the observation that they have a "mole" or similar skin marking that is growing and getting darker, have elected to use black salves anyway. After all, black salve is selective in its action and will only "go after" neoplastic (cancerous) tissue. Healthy tissue will only redden and become mildly irritated when black salves is applied. This decision is entirely at the discretion of the user; there is no danger, toxic or otherwise, of applying black salves to healthy tissue, although doing so is simply a waste of the product.
In addition, if you are targeting more than one growth, do one at a time and never apply to a spot larger than a USA quarter.

Black salve comes in a 1/2 oz. container. The product has the consistency of a thick, moist paste. It can easily be self-applied with the fingers and should be spread over the lesion or cancerous tissue in a thin covering, almost lightly "caked." Wash hands thoroughly before and after applying Black salve.

The applied area will start to tingle shortly afterwards -- anywhere between 5 minutes to 6 hours after the initial application. (In fact, if you feel "nothing" after three to six hours, it is most likely that nothing more will happen: Black salve has failed to come into direct contact with the cancer or there is no cancer present. If after 24 hours there is no burning, stinging or pulling sensation, you will want to remove the Black salve, follow the suggestions below in steps 2A, then  reapply, repeating this process, until the Black salve can reach and "grab" the underlying aberrant growth.) If the black salve takes hold and causes a burning, stinging or pulling sensation, then let the rest of the process play out..DO NOT WASH THE SALVE OFF, LET IT BECOME PART OF THE ESCHAR/SCAB THAT FORMS!  In some cases, there is a burning sensation with larger lesions (larger than a USA dime, so it is important to have ibuprofen, or other non-prescription pain killer, available during the process. Note: the moment the eschar falls out, usually within 7-14 days of the initial application, the pain will immediately stop! Areas larger than a square centimeter (or bigger than a U.S. "dime") may require even stronger analgesics, which, being prescription, will require the services of a cooperative physician.

Otherwise, observing good "pain management" may require that the cancer be "taken out in stages." This involves applying a small amount to the edge of the growth, waiting for the sensations to die down as the eschar process begins, and then repeating this process on an adjacent area of skin until the entire area has been covered. Observe this same procedure if you are targeting more than one growth.

Do one at a time. In this fashion, any discomfort is minimized because the entire process, which can at that point last several days, has been spread out over time. This bears repeating: never apply Black salve to a large area, unless you are under a physician's care and advice.

It is also a good idea to place a bandage over the area, particularly if the forming eschar is on a place on the body that might be subject to being bumped or bruised in the course of daily activity. Another thing to consider is that Black salve can stain clothing, so for practical, aesthetic, and cleanliness issues, covering the site is a good idea.

" . . . I applied Black salve and no eschar appeared! . . . What do I do now?"

Black salve has to come into contact with the target cancer area in order to work. It has transdermal properties (i.e. skin penetrating ability) However, a couple of simple tricks can also speed up the process and/or reduce the number of applications required to "reach" a skin cancer that is well below the epidermis. Most people don't need these techniques if the skin cancer is close to the skin surface. We recommend that these "tricks of the trade" only be used if an initial application does not produce results - which turns out to be a minority of cases.

2A. "Deep Loufah Wash" - Many people use a loofah sponge to rigorously wash and prepare the skin before applying Black salve Salve. This serves to remove some of the dead cells in the top layer of the epidermis (the stratum corneum), so that Black salve has less tissue through which to travel to get to the underlying cancer.

  "Needle Points" - This technique is more effective, but more invasive. It involves taking a sterilized needle and carefully making holes in the skin - about a sixteenth to eighth inch deep, very much as an acupuncturist would - except that the needle is removed as soon as the holes usually spaced about a quarter-inch apart. Following the creation of the "skin holes," Black Salve is then (re)applied. We recommend that this technique be used by practitioners and not end users. We also advise that practitioners prep the area by rubbing peroxide (3-6%) into the freshly "pricked" skin before Black salve is (re)applied. 

After 24 hours remove the bandage. Using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 - 3%, available in most drug stores) and a Q-Tip, very lightly go over the border of the lesion, removing any organic debris (i.e. puss, serous fluid, etc.) If a full pus formation is not evident or is incomplete, repeat step 2 and leave the new application on for an additional 24 hours before proceeding.
Normally one application is sufficient for small tumors (the size of a pencil eraser), but no more than three applications are required for larger tumors. There are instances, however, when repeated applications of Black salve are required because of "accessibility" problems - although this can be limited using the techniques cited in the preceding section. In order to initiate the escharization process, however, and begin killing the cancer, it is vital that Black salve be able to penetrate and reach the subject site. This can take multiple (three or more) applications, though one to two applications is more common.

After the eschar has formed, keep it well protected. Once the scab has formed, you should apply the After Care Cream and continue to use until spot is completely healed.This product will insure the scaring is minimal and keep the scab moist. Normally the bandage can be left on for a period of 10 days: however, in advanced cases there is considerable "drainage," that is, a steady emission of pus. In the sense that Black salve kills the cancer cells and takes certain leukocytes (defending white blood corpuscles) with it in the process of eliminating the neoplasm, it is a supportive agent: that is, drainage should not be viewed as abnormal. The range of possible response is very little pus and only one bandage ever required, to a regular change of bandages required in the case of advanced melanomas. Your case will be somewhere in-between.

The eschar itself represents the death of the neoplasm, and this occurs shortly after application. Everything that follows is the body's own reparative responses. From here on out, the body knows exactly what to do and wastes no time doing it. However, to us the days and weeks that follow may seem lengthy.The next stage is the removal of the eschar, or scab.
This usually happens within 10-14 days after initial application, unless the case is advanced and/or cancer(s) cover a large area of the body. 
As with any scab, let it fall out when it is ready. DO NOT PULL IT OUT prematurely, if you remove the eschar prematurely, you further risk developing scar tissue and the cancer root will be left behind to spread.

After the eschar comes out, the pit or "decavitation" can look raw and unsightly. You need to wipe out the healthy pink crater tissue with peroxide, then look for any embedded white spot(s) in the healthy tissue.  If you see any such spot(s), these are cancer roots and you need to immediately cover the white spot(s) only in the crater with more black salve and let the process begin again.  If no white spot(s) is/are present, keep the crater covered and there will be no threat of secondary infection.

Continue to apply the After Care Cream twice daily to the area until it is fully healed over and level with the surrounding skin.
If you work in an area that is less than clean, however, you might want to have hydrogen peroxide (available in any good drug store) handy and apply it liberally to the site once a day to kill any invasive germs.

Over a period of a few months, or in some cases two years, the entire area will be healed with only some "depigmentation" or scar tissue. The result is rarely more unsightly or unaesthetic than if surgery had been chosen instead.

Only in rare conditions does the cancer "come back" to the area applied, unless there is underlying metastasis. To be sure that the area is clear of cancer, many users elect to initiate a second, or even third, application after they get to the "heal over" stage. We take a dim view to doing this indiscriminately because the risk of scarring is increased with each new re-application. However, with particularly aggressive forms of cancer, such as melanoma, a user may want to weigh the potential advantages of re-application, particularly if the initial cancer is located somewhere on the body that is not usually aesthetically sensitive or viewed in public (i.e. on the back, upper leg, etc.). None of this should be taken as a substitute for using some of the better cancer marker tests that are now available from qualified, licensed physicians. In other words, if you don't need more than one application, why do it.

In other words, once Black salve has finished its work, there are normally no residual cells from the original neoplasm. This rule finds more exceptions the larger the original cancer growth is, the deeper it is beneath the skin, the more instances of skin cancer the subject has experienced, and/or the more extensive a person's history of skin cancer is or has been.
Remember, you may need to repeat this process if the skin cancer is sufficiently extensive such that residual cancer cells have been left behind after you finish your first "cycle." (Although, this same admonition would exist if you had your skin cancer surgically removed.) To be on the side of caution, have your health care practitioner check the site to see if there is any remaining cancer. There are excellent antigen marker tests that your physician can utilize to determine if you have a "clean bill of health."

Update from Ann Devlin

Thanks you so much for all the wonderful messages that I have received since posting information on the black salve treatment that I used recently...It is heartwarming to receive such positive messages of support, especially knowing that I may have had a positive impact on others. Since posting the information I have been inundated with comments and questions, and hundreds of friend requests. I am trying to respond but it is difficult to keep up with them, so I am having to prioritize those that appear to be most pressing. I hope you'll understand If I don't get chance to reply in a timely manner, I'm not being rude - there's just not enough hours in the day! I've also got to still concentrate on looking after me too  I'm still recovering really well - now 4 weeks today since the main tumour came out, and the wound gets better each day. I'm still on my strict protocol: vegan diet, lots of juicing, good quality filtered water, herbal teas, homeopathy, lots of supplements including high dose Vit C, running, yoga, good quality sleep - but just lately not enough sleep though - been too busy on FB!   xx


Indian black salve: The magical cancer cure

Saturday, April 06, 2013 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
Tags: Indian black salvecancer cureherb 

Learn more:

(NaturalNews) What if we told you there exists a blend of herbs so powerful, effective, and safe for treating cancer that no other conventional treatment even comes close? And what if we told you this same herbal formula only targets malignant cells while leaving healthy cells and other tissue alone? The formula in question actually does exist, and it is traditionally known as Indian black salve, a "magical" cancer cure of sorts that also safely treats viruses and many other health conditions without causing harmful side effects.

If you have never heard of Indian black salve, it is probably because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not recognize it as an official cancer treatment. In fact, most medical authorities who have heard of Indian black salve reject it as any type of medical treatment because it is made from all-natural herbs that are not patented or owned by corporations, which automatically means they "do not work" in the eyes of the medical-industrial complex (even though they actually do work).

The miraculous healing power of bloodroot

But in truth, Indian black salve is one of the most powerful natural cancer treatments known to man. And this is primarily due to the fact that it contains bloodroot, a potent herb native to the United States and Canada that is already recognized among many in the natural health community as being effective in the treatment of warts, moles, skin tags, cherry angiomas, and skin cancer. But as it turns out, bloodroot is also effective internallyas a treatment for ovarian, breast, bladder, bone and many other cancers.

There are numerous Indian black salve blends available, and all of them contain bloodroot and several other prominent healing herbs. Lifeline Water, for instance, sells a potent, alcohol-free Indian black salve formula that contains not only bloodroot but yellow dock, licorice, galangal, zinc chloride, and Lifeline Water. You can learn more about this amazing product here:

You may also remember the saga of herbalist Greg Caton, who we previously reported had been illegally kidnapped and extradited from Ecuador for his involvement in producing natural cancer-cure herbal products ( Caton's Alpha Omega Labs, which still operates out of Ecuador due to medical tyranny here in the U.S., also sells herbal products similar to Indian black salve that contain healing bloodroot:

How does Indian black salve work, and how should you use it?

Since mainstream medicine continues to deny the therapeutic value of Indian black salve, little is known about how it actually works. But many people have successfully used it both externally and internally to treat all types of cancer, viral infections, gastrointestinal problems, and other conditions. Topically, Indian black salve can be applied directly to malignancies for rapid healing. Lifeline Water recommends mixing three grams of Indian black salve with four ounces of natural or bee pollen cream.

Internally, mixing a small amount of Indian salve paste about the size of half of an English pea in water or putting it into a capsule and taking it either once or twice a day, on a full stomach, can help effectively treat and eliminate cancer in as few as 20 days. Though the company is not permitted by law to explain these healing details with customers, many have used Indian black salve successfully to treat their cancers.

Natural News is exercising its free speech rights to share this information with you, and we have absolutely no financial or other connection with Lifeline Water or any other company offering Indian black salve. We are merely informing you about this amazing healing compound for your own benefit, should you or a loved one develop an "incurable" condition like cancer that cannot be treated using conventional methods.

To learn more about Indian black salve and how to use it properly, visit the following links:
As always, be sure to consult a physician before starting any new medical treatment.
Sources for this article include:

3 kommenttia:

  1. Dr Iyoha herbal medicine is a good remedy for herpes simplex virus cure. My name is RICK JOHN , am from USA,I am here to give my testimony about Dr Iyoha who helped me in my life, i want to inform the public how i was cured from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) by Dr Iyoha, i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like Familiar, Zovirax, and Valtrex which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on HERPES and i saw comment of people talking about how Dr Iyoha cured them, when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that i took and it seriously worked for me, am a free person now without any problem, my HERPES result came out negative, I pray to God to never let me and my family forget you in our life, am now cured permanently, you can also get your self cured my friends if you really need this doctor help, you can reach him on his Email: or call : +1 407 337 9869

  2. My names are Julia moreton I’m a citizen of UK, My younger sister was sicking of
    breast cancer and her name is Florence   I and my family have been taking her
    to all kind of hospital over here(UK) still yet no good result. I decided to go to
    the internet and search for cancer cure so that was how I find a lady
    called Sophia Charlotte,   she testifies to the world about the goodness of a
    herbal man who has the roots and herbs to cure all kind of disease and the
    herbal man email was there. So I decided to contact the herbal man @ for my
    younger sister to see if he can cure her from the ailment that has befallen her(breast cancer). I contacted him and told him
    my problem he told me that I should not worry that my sister will be
    cure, he told me that there is a medicine that he is going to send give to me to cook and give it to my sister to drink for one week, so I ask how
    can I receive the cure that I am in UK, he told me
    That I will pay for the delivery service. The courier service can
    transport it to me so he told me the amount I will pay, so my dad paid for
    the delivery fee. two days later I receive the cure from the courier
    service so I used it as the herbal man instructed me to, before the week runs out, my sister cancer was healed and it was like a dream to me not
    knowing that it was physical I and my family were very happy about the
    miracle of Doctor kokobi. my dad wanted to pay him 5 million  dollars as token of our appreciation towards his good work but the
    herbal man declined the offer which I don't know why, he only say that I should tell the world about him
    and the miracle he perform so am here now to tell the world about him if
    you or your relative is having any kind of disease that you can't get a solution to from
    the hospital please contact or WhatsApp him
    +254746618873 or call him via his calling line +2348114448587 . And if you need more information about the doctor you can send me an mail @

  3. I have been suffering from a deadly disease (Hsv) for the past 2 years now, I had spent a lot of money going from one places to another, from churches to churches, hospitals have been my home every day residence. Constant checks up have been my hobby not until this faithful day, I was searching through the internet, I saw a testimony on how Dr Ehimare helped someone in curing his (Hsv) herpes disease, quickly I copied his email which is just to give him a test I spoke to him, he asked me to do some certain things which I did, he told me that he is going to provide the herbal cure to me, which he did, then he asked me to go for medical checkup after some days after using the herbal cure, behold I was free from the deadly disease, he only asked me to post the testimony through the whole world, faithfully am doing it now, please brothers and sisters, he is great, I owe him in return. if you are having a similar problem just email him on Or whatsapp him via +1 (267) 691-1087


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