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sunnuntai 11. marraskuuta 2018
How to Use Facebook Ads in the Search for a Missing Person
How to Use Facebook Ads in the Search for a Missing Person
We have had a missing person case in the family recently. It’s nuts. It’s mostly the uncertainty of what happened to them, that gets to you. If you look into it a little, you’ll find out that the amount of people reported missing each day, is nuts as well. Almost 2'000 reports a day in the US alone.
If your family is impacted, instead of going crazy, I guess, it’s important to try to stay as calm as possible and try to help the search as much as possible. There’s good step by step guides on the net of what to do in a missing person case (such as here or here), first and foremost of them: contacting the police.
Coming from an entrepreneurial, online marketing background, we also decided to run Facebook ads with the missing person search alert in the area our missing relative was suspected to be in. Searching the net a little, there wasn’t really much info on doing that — even though it seemed very reasonable to us — kind of ‘the missing person poster of the digital age.’ Many people already use Facebook posts to raise awareness, but the effect here is that they mostly get shared within their own circles and not necessarily in the location, where it makes sense. With Facebook ads your able to target exactly the people in the search area and ask them to not only keep an eye out for your missing loved one, but also to spread the word. Essentially, you are paying Facebook to show the post to the right people in a timely way.
That’s why we decided to do this write-up of how to go about creating and running Facebook ads to help in the search for a missing person. On top, we decided to offer doing exactly that for other people as a service on — for non-technical people or people who don’t want to go through all the steps themselves, uncertain of doing it right.
Maybe another hint in advance: the whole process should probably be done as timely as possible, as the first hours and days are the most critical in a missing person case.
So, here’s a quick overview of the steps involved:
Create a Facebook ads account
Gather all the information you need
Create the ad campaign
Run the ad campaign
Cancel the ad campaign when your missing loved one is found
Let’s go about them one by one:
Create a Facebook ads account
It turns out every Facebook account already comes with the ability to run ads. You’ll need to setup billing and familiarize yourself with the ads system. Here’s some resources to do exactly that:
If you feel more comfortable getting an intro on YouTube, maybe have a look at this.
If you have a family member or friend who knows Facebook ads, that would probably be the way to go: just ask them to help you with this.
2. Gather all the information you need
We suggest to have the following info ready for setting up the ad in the next step:
Missing person’s name, height, age, look.
Description of the circumstances, place and time under which they went missing.
Picture of the missing person, preferably two.
Location where a search makes sense; where they can reasonably excepted to be, considering means of transport and such.
Police contact and telephone number that can be published — where people are expected to call, when they see your missing loved one.
Links to media articles about the case (if they exist).
3. Create the ad campaign
The links in step 1 cover how to create an actual ad campaign as well. Have a look at them and we will discuss what is important for our purposes in the following.
We’d recommend to do a campaign optimized for reach, which means your missing person alert will be shown to a maximum number of people — under your budget constraint. Awareness could also be chosen, the difference being that here just the impressions count, not necessarily the amount of people reached.
You will have to chose a page your ad will be associated with, in the next step. The Facebook ad manager allows you to create a page right in the ad creation process. We would suggest you either name the page something like “Missing Person in [area]: [name of the person]” or just something generic like “Missing Person Alert.” It’s important to try to draw peoples’ attention. Mentioning the place of the search area, such as a city or region, seems beneficial, as people will recognize it as being their area.
Next comes one of the most important steps: targeting the area/region you want to show your missing person ad in. In the audience selection you can choose any geographic region or place, like a city or town, and then give a radius around that place to be included. It will look something like this:
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