keskiviikko 12. joulukuuta 2018

Coca-cola interested in the healing properties of CBD

Coca-cola interested in the healing properties of CBD

About the author: Bryan Hubbard

December 2018 

It's the extract from cannabis that has healing qualities across a range of diseases, from 
epilepsy to cancer. Now even Coca-Cola is interested.

Paige and Matt Figi were at their wit's end. Their five-year-old daughter, Charlotte, had a rare form of epilepsy
as Davet syndrome, and she was suffering around 300 grand mal seizures a week.
Her heart had stopped several 
times, and she was put into a medically induced coma just to give her small
body some respite. 
There was nothing else the doctors could do for her.
Desperately searching the internet for solutions, Paige and Matt read several accounts of how CBD oil —
a derivative 
of cannabis and hemp—had helped people with epilepsy. Although they were worried about
giving a small child a form 
of cannabis, they also felt they had nothing to lose. Within a year, their boldness
was rewarded, and Charlotte's 
seizures had all but stopped.

Since her story was featured on  CNN in 2013,  there has been "an explosion of research," according to the
Institutes of Health's Pal Pacher, a pharmacologist. Animal tests, and even small studies on a
handful of people, have 
suggested that CBD can help a range of health problems from epilepsy to the
healing of bone fractures, pain, 
inflammation, Crohn's disease and even some cancers.

CNN documentary on Charlotte's Web, medical marijuana treating seizure disorders


CNN Photos: Charlotte's Web

Health authorities are less enthusiastic.
CBD (cannabidiol) is the therapeutic ongredient in cannabis—first discovered back in 1940—and it's sometimes called "the hippie's disappointment" because it doesn't make the user high; that's the function of another ingredient, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).

Medical marijuana, as it's also called, is permitted in many Western countries as long as the THC content
is kept to 
just 0.2 percent.
But cannabis is still listed as a schedule 1 drug—the same classification given to heroin—by the US and
governments, at least at the national level. This has impeded research as well as its more widespread
since licensed practitioners are often the only ones who can prescribe high-dose CBD.

However, the tide is certainly turning. The first CBD-based drugs are getting approval; the first was Sativex,
a 1-to-1 
ratio of CBD and THC, to treat the painful muscle spasms seen in multiple sclerosis, and the
second, Epidiolex, 
was approved this year by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat epilepsy.
Both drugs are made by 
British drug company GW Pharma.
Despite the restrictions, CBD is "a Disneyland for pharmacologists," said Francisco Guimaraes, a
pharmacologist at 
 the University of São Paulo in Brazil, who has discovered that it helps new neurons
to grow in the brain, and especially 
the hippocampus, which is linked to depression and anxiety.
Although CBD seems to help with a wide range of conditions, nobody is quite sure how it works.

Our body has 
cannabinoid receptors—CB1 receptors are found in the brain and help regulate pain,
movement and cognitive abilities, 
and CB2 receptors are mainly found in the immune system and
control inflammation and pain—and it's thought that 
taking CBD helps the body develop more of its
own cannabinoids, which could trigger healing.

Here are some research findings:
CBD helps fractures heal more quickly. On the face of it, it's bizarre—but it actually explains
why CBD could
help with so many other conditions, too.
When we suffer a fracture, CBD activates the processes that make bones stronger and accelerates the
building of 
new bone. Afterward, the bone is stronger than before, making it less likely to fracture in the
future, say researchers 
at Tel Aviv University who made the discovery when they tested both CBD and THC
on a group of laboratory rats.
The CBD group's bones healed more quickly, while THC didn't have the same effect.
This could mean that CBD can 
prevent osteoporosis and other bone problems as we age, the researchers

Pain relief was one of the first uses of CBD, and research continues to demonstrate that it's an effective
In one experiment on laboratory rats, a derivative of CBD, MDA19, relieved neuropathic pain caused by
nerve damage, 
which is common in people suffering from trauma and diabetes. Not surprisingly, researchers
from the University of 
Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston also discovered that the pain relief
was greater with higher doses.2
Another study, which explored pain's impact on sleep, discovered that half the 2,000 patients tested started
to enjoy 
a full night's sleep after taking CBD or a combination of CBD and THC. There were no serious
side-effects or dosages 
that caused problems, but it helped the patients—suffering from multiple sclerosis,
peripheral neuropathic pain, 
cancer pain and rheumatoid arthritis—get some high-quality rest.3

CBD is also an anti-inflammatory. It communicates with two receptors in the body—CB1 and
it's CB2 that regulates the inflammatory response. When their CB2 receptors are activated,
 immune cells release 
fewer inflammatory chemicals known as cytokines. In tests on mice and rats,
CBD has shown promise for conditions 
including arthritis, swelling, and inflammation in the brain and

Crohn's disease.
Crohn's disease is a form of inflammatory bowel disease that doesn't respond to conventional 
treatment. When 21 sufferers were given cannabis or a placebo, five of 11 in the cannabis group achieved
remission of their symptoms, compared to just one of 10 in the placebo group.
Ten in the cannabis group also 
reported a marked reduction in symptoms. 
The eight weeks of treatment achieved "significant clinical, steroid-free benefits," the researchers said. 5

Alzheimer's disease.
Amyloid beta is a protein that forms into plaques in the brain that are regularly seen in Alzheimer's 
patients—and cannabis can help remove them. Researchers from the Salk Institute in San Diego, California,
cannabis compounds, including THC, on brain cells grown in the lab, and found they reduced amyloid
beta protein 
levels and completely eliminated the inflammatory response.6

The treatment of epilepsy was what put CBD on the therapeutic map. The bulk of the scientific evidence for 
its effectiveness comes from Colorado, one of the first states to legalize marijuana, although the results have
been mixed.
In one study of 58 children and adolescents given CBD, one-third cut their rate of seizure by at least half, but
21 percent 
reported an increase in seizures. CBD fared better in cases of infantile spasms and a severe
form of epilepsy called 
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome; of the 53 children treated, 92 percent had a reduction in

In a separate study of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, sufferers reported a 42 percent reduction in 'drop seizures'
— where 
there is a severe loss of muscle control and balance—when they were given 20mg CBD, and this
fell slightly to 37 
percent in those given 10mg. 8

To get its first CBD drug, Epidiolex, approved, GW Pharma put together four studies that showed CBD's
in treating severe cases of epilepsy. In one study of 261 children, nearly half experienced at
least a 50 percent 
reduction in seizures. 9

CBD appears to triple the survival rate for pancreatic cancer, at least in animals. In humans, pancreatic
 is considered virtually untreatable—chemotherapy achieves a five-year survival rate of just 7 percent.
But when 
 researchers from Queen Mary University in London gave CBD to mice with the disease, their
survival rate tripled.
A similar effect in humans could see CBD "in use in cancer clinics almost immediately," said lead researcher
Falasca. 10

CBD triggers cell death (apoptosis) in breast cancer cells, researchers from the Beth Israel Deaconess
Center in Boston discovered in laboratory tests on cancer cell lines,11
and it also stops lung cancer cells from growing and spreading, a separate study found.12

It even stops the growth of aggressive, life-threatening breast cancer and seems to be especially effective in
of so-called 'triple-negative' breast cancer. It appears to interrupt the cells' signaling ability to prevent
them from 
spreading. 13

CBD spray is an effective pain reliever for patients with advanced and end-stage cancer. In one test on 43
patients, researchers from a hospice in Shropshire, UK, discovered that the spray reduced pain and
helped the 
patients' insomnia and fatigue. 14

CBD also slows the growth of colon cancer cells. Interestingly, the CBD didn't affect healthy cells, say
from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. But it seems to activate CB1 and CB2 receptors
that help to slow the 
spread of the cancer.15

Making things go better
CBD has caught the interest of beverage giant Coca-Cola. The company is in preliminary talks with
Canadian cannabis 
company Aurora Cannabis about introducing a new line of CBD-infused drinks.
Although Coca-Cola hopes that the new range—should it ever see the light of day—would eventually be
available around 
the world, it's no accident that the company is talking to a Canadian producer.
Last October, the country became only 
the second in the world—after Venezuela—to fully legalize cannabis.
Coca-Cola is not the first entrant into the CBD beverage market. Brands such as Dirty Lemon and Beboe
are already 
available, but Coca-Cola would be the first global conglomerate that takes an interest.
The new drink would be positioned as "a functional wellness beverage," said Coca-Cola spokesman
Kent Landers 
on Bloomberg News TV.

Joint gains
Think cannabis, and images of smoking pot or weed come to mind. That's because of the THC
in cannabis that makes people feel 'high,' but it's just one of the 113 cannabinoids found in hemp plants.
CBD (cannabidiol), which was discovered and isolated in laboratory tests in 1940, makes up around 40
percent of the 
extract from a hemp plant. Different cannabis plants deliver various levels of THC and CBD
naturally, but for any 
CBD product to be allowed for sale in stores, the THC level must be below 0.2 percent.
CBD can be taken several ways: by smoke inhalation or vapor, as an aerosol spray into the cheek, or as an
oil, often 
placed under the tongue.
Although CBD won't make you high, it can cause drowsiness, diarrhea and sleeping problems.

(Vol. 3 Issue 10) in 
Alzheimer's, Bowel disease, Breast cancer, CBD, Cancer, Cannabis, Crohn's disease,Depression, Drugs, Epilepsy, Fracture, Healing,
Inflammatory, Inflammatory bowel disease, Insomnia


The Endocannabinoid System For Dummies
(We’ve Made It Easy For You)


Have you ever been confused about the endocannabinoid system?
Educate yourself.
This guide will tell you everything you need to know.

JUL 28, 2016

Have you ever wondered how THC works? 

 Well, it just-so-happens to be a similar shape to a compound our bodies create naturally. Thanks to its shape, THC is able to tap into a network in our bodies called the endocannabinoid system. It’s this ability that gives THC it’s psychoactive effects. But, what is the endocannabinoid system and what does it do?
 To help you understand, we’ve created a handy guide to the endocannabinoid system for dummies.


A collection of links to clinical studies, papers and reference guides for medical cannabis use


Free PDF Files relating to medical cannabis use
Marijuana and Alcohol
Medical Marijuana
Cannabis and Alzheimers
Breast Cancer
Clinical Effects (1969)
Physiological Activity of Cannabis (1913)
Huntington's Disease
Cannabis Treats Lung Cancer
Clinical Applications for Cannabis
Medical Cannabis

"If (Marijuana) were unknown, it's discovery would no doubt be hailed as a medical breakthrough. Scientists would praise it's potential for treating everything from pain to cancer and marvel at it's rich pharmacopoeia; many of whose chemicals mimic vital molecules in the human body." - The Economist:

Alcohol and opiate abuse

Cannabis can ease both the physical and psychological effects associated with withdrawal from both of these addictive substances.
Cannabis-med studies on marijuana treatment for alcohol and drug abuse
Marijuana in treating drug and alcohol addiction 
Medical marijuana as a treatment for alcoholism addiction

Alzheimer’s disease

Research shows that cannabis may prevent the formation of deposits in the brain associated with
this degenerative disease.

Information from
Cannabis and the treatment of dementia
Cannabidiol: a promising drug for neurodegenerative disorders?

Neurodegeneration is a feature common to dementia sufferers.
This has led to interest in whether cannabinoids may be clinically useful in the treatment of people with dementia.
Recent studies have shown that cannabinoids may be effective at interrupting the pathological process in Alzheimer’s.

Alzheimer's Disease, How I Stopped and Reversed It
The Professional version and complete summary of my supplementary diet that 
has helped me stop and reverse Alzheimer's Disease.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

This condition refers to a disease of the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that control voluntary muscle movement. This is a fatal, degenerative disease marked by progressive muscle weakness and atrophy.
Marijuana may extend life expectancy of lou gehrig disease patients 
Marijuana as ALS treatment Medical marijuana and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Anorexia nervosa

Appetite (See Anorexia nervosa)

One of the most fascinating aspects of cannabis in relation to appetite and eating disorders is the effect of cannabis oil on body weight.

Arthritis (rheumatoid or osteoporosis)

There are over 100 different types of arthritis and studies have shown that THC and CBD have potent anti-inflammatory effects and that CBD blocks progression of rheumatoid arthritis producing significant improvement in symptoms.
Is marijuana an effective treatment for the symptoms of arthritis? 
Cannabis drug cuts arthritis pain What is the role of marijuana in arthritis?


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

ADHD is one of the most common psychiatric disorders of childhood and is characterized by persistent impairments in attention and concentration with the associated symptoms of impulsivity and hyperactivity.
ADHD and marijuana 
Applying ADHD lessons to medical marijuana Medical Marijuana: No longer just for adults

Atherosclerosis (arteriosclerotic vascular disease or ASVD)

This is a condition in which an artery wall thickens as a result of the accumulation of fatty materials such as cholesterol.
Cannabinoinds Therapeutic Effects on ASVD 
Cannabis chemical 'helps heart' 
Cannabinoids and Atherosclerotic Coronary Heart Disease (PDF)


In a well-documented case Marie Myung-Ok Lee has been treating her autistic son with legally acquired medical marijuana for several years. It has helped calm her son's gastrointestinal pain and decrease his associated violent behavior.
Marijuana-Like Chemical May Help Autism 
Can cannabis improve autism?  NORML Backs Survey On Marijuana And Autism

Bipolar disorder

This is a psychiatric disorder characterized by extreme mood swings, ranging between episodes of acute euphoria mania and severe depression.
Study: Pot May Improve Cognitive Functioning in Bipolar Disorder Bipolar Disorder May Be Ameliorated By Pot Smoking, Research Finds Cannabinoids in Bipolar disorder


This burn from a car exhaust is on the patients leg. 
The injury is not serious, however it is painful and prone to infection. The left side has been treated for
4 days with antibiotic cream. The right side was treated just once with cannabis oil. The patient reported pain relief and continued treatment with cannabis oil. The wound healed quickly with minimum scarring.

Achelois Fibroblast - Cannabis infused lotion for cuts and burns
A inspirational testimonial from Justin Pryor, a 3rd degree burn victim who used Achelois Fibroblast to heal his wounds with miraculous results. Visit to see where you can find Achelois Fibroblast


Referred to medically as a malignant neoplasm, cancer is a broad group of various diseases, all involving unregulated cell growth. Cannabis oil has been shown to be extremely effectivecannabis treatment in fighting even the most aggressive of cancerous tumours. 
Below are a series of images taken over a two month period where a 7mm deep melanoma (skin cancer) that was exposing the bone was successfully treated using only cannabis oil.

Information regarding the efficacy of cannabis treatment for cancer.
Scientists report that THC and other cannabinoids such as CBD (cannabidiol) slow growth and/or cause death in certain types of cancer cells growing in laboratory dishes.
Some animal studies also suggest certain cannabinoids may slow growth and reduce spread of some forms of cancer.

Scientists find cannabis compound stops metastasis in aggressive cancers Cannabis compound could stop breast cancer Cannabis can successfully treat Breat Cancer - More...  Cannabis oil treating serious skin cancer (WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT)


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